Hikind Joins Assemblyman Cusick and Others to Stop The Bag Tax

pbaAssemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) will join Assemblyman Michael Cusick and others in the Assembly to stop the NYC Council’s five-cent bag tax slated to go into effect February 15.

“It is a great honor to co-sponsor legislation with Assemblyman Cusick to stop the bag tax,” Hikind said. “This is just another burden on hard-working taxpayers, and we cannot allow New Yorkers to be nickeled and dimed.”

Hikind and others in the Assembly are set to propose a moratorium, which will postpone NYC Council’s plastic bag tax bill for another year. The moratorium will allow lawmakers to review the legislation further.

“Grocery shopping, in New York City, can be extremely hectic, and this tax will add to the chaos,” Hikind said. “As consumers, we will now have to worry about having our reusable bags handy every time we go to the supermarkets. What about the elderly and low-income New Yorkers, who live on fixed incomes? What about the thousands of larger households in the Jewish community? How will they be affected?”

Added Hikind: “Hopefully Governor Cuomo will sign the Assembly’s legislation to stop the madness, and suspend this ridiculous tax from going into effect.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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