Starbucks to Hire 10,000 Refugees Over Next 5 Years

sbuStarbucks says it will hire 10,000 refugees over the next five years, a response to President Donald Trump’s indefinite suspension of Syrian refugees and temporary travel bans that apply to six other Muslim-majority nations.

Howard Schultz, the coffee retailer’s chairman and CEO, said in a letter to employees Sunday that the hiring would apply to stores worldwide and the effort would start in the United States where the focus would be on hiring immigrants “who have served with U.S. troops as interpreters and support personnel.”

Schultz, a supporter of Hillary Clinton during the presidential run, took aim at other parts of a Trump agenda focused on immigration, repealing former President Barack Obama’s health care law and restructuring trade with Mexico. The letter said that Starbucks would help support coffee growers in Mexico, provide health insurance to eligible workers if the health care law is repealed and back an Obama-era immigration program that allows young immigrants who were brought to the country as children to apply for a two-year reprieve from deportation and a work permit.

The move reflects the increasing complexity that businesses face when dealing with the Trump administration. Trump has met with CEOs at Ford, General Motors and Boeing and asked them to create jobs in the United States, while touting each announcement about new factory jobs as a success even if those additions had been planned before his presidential victory.

But not all corporate leaders have embraced Trump. Schultz added that Starbucks would aim to communicate with workers more frequently, saying Sunday, “I am hearing the alarm you all are sounding that the civility and human rights we have all taken for granted for so long are under attack.”


17 Responses

  1. Associated Press is Associated with one goal to Press everyone into being brain washed to agree with their corrupt,false, misleading,and hateful agenda. A bunch of atheists denying that there is a creator accepting so many brazen abominations as a way of life. Free thinkers spreading false news as their hearts desire. AP should be boycotted with all their gay writers trying to convince all their readers to think as distorted as they do. APikorsus is their motto most of biased reporting should be censored.

  2. business are also getting involved in politics??
    first it was hollywood actors then sports players now its starbucks too?
    he should stick to coffee lest ppl boycott his political organization

  3. As far as I can tell, Starbucks is a publicly traded company. That means a publicly traded company would be choosing a person given a refugee status by the U.S. government, which is based on his/her place of origin or religion. That would seem to be illegal, as it is de facto choosing the illegal qualifications of religion and/or place of origin as a hiring criteria. At the moment they seem to be skirting the issue by mentioning those who served in the arm forces, which is a legal criteria for discrimination.

  4. Wow, so now Starbucks will have their gays working side by side with Muslims. Interesting. I wonder how that’s going to work out. So the pervert, Schultz, is going off the deep end.
    Please take a moment and go to and sign the petition.

  5. Starbucks is a public traded company that has historically been among the most inclusive of all publicly traded companies in their hiring practices including being the most active company in hiring America veterans and the disable. Their decision to hire refugees who are in the U.S. legally is the right decision and consistent with the efforts of over one hundred shuls in the U.S. to sponsor refugees from war-torn countries. If your don’t like their policies, buy you latte from some right wing coffee house or buy enough shares to get elected to the Starbucks Board.

  6. Self-hating secular Jews have been proven to be more corrupt, lawless and evil than non-Jews. If there’s no Torah, there’s evil and corruption.
    Trump should deport all self-hating secular Jews out to destroy America together with their Muslim friends.

  7. Business is slow? All these companies look so bored. They all make these “statements” just to get press coverage. Stop getting involved in politics

  8. Sounds it might be a little dangerous to enter Starbucks from now on. Especially for girls and women as it will probably become a hangout for Muslim men. Do you know that there are coffee shops in Paris that French women don’t dare enter because the Muslim men have taken over and women and girls, as young as six years old, are in danger? I heard of a three year old who was raped in Germany. Don’t you know what’s going on in the world?

  9. If someone being gay or a refugee is your standard of judging a business, you’d better get busy growing your own food, producing your own fabric to make your own clothes, no more airplane trips or vacations, pull your money out of the bank and put it under your mattress, take your money out of the stock market and all investments etc

  10. @rt you seem to be on top of your political game maybe you should post on a site where more people agree with you.

    on another note 10000 refugees over the next 5 years..that’s approx 2000 a many stores does Starbucks have?I bet its over 2000 so 1 a year per store if that….not really saying much

  11. #10, did you ever have a face to face meeting with Rav Nosson Tzvi z”tl? Mr Schultz did, be careful how you deride and denigrate other Jews, wouldn’t it be unfortunate to lose your Olam Habah over politics?

  12. Starbucks stinks!!!! Coffee burnt and gross!!! Just signed A disgrace to the fellow Americans. I hope they go bankrupt.

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