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Trump Expect to Act Soon on Voter Fraud

votePresident Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive action as soon as this week to order an investigation into claims of voter fraud.

That is according to a person briefed on the decision but not authorized to speak publicly.

Trump on Wednesday voiced his belief that there was widespread voter fraud in November’s election and that scores of people were on the voter rolls in multiple states or after they died.

There is no evidence to support Trump’s claims. The details of the action were not immediately released.


5 Responses

  1. There goes the biased AP again.
    They already have the answer to the investigation before it even began.
    Fake news.
    And then they whine as to why Trump didn’t pick them first at the press conference.

  2. #1 Actually statements like these: “There is no evidence to support Trump’s claims” might eventually wake up the ostriches who still foolishly lean on Fakestream Media.

  3. The media reports from the experts and states attorneys general who are the ones who say and have said that there was no widespread fraud certainly absolutely nothing close to the scale delusional trump keeps whining about. In the meantime, tiffany trump, Steve bannon and Steve mnuchin are all registered to vote in 2 different states.

  4. My daughters vote in Flatbush
    When they went together to same polling location they where told they already voted several others had same problem
    They where offered paper ballots
    Oh yeah their signature was a scribble Fake voting u bet

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