“Your Network Is Your Net Worth” Networking Guru Duvi Honig To Deliver Keynote At Jewish Business Development Event In Queens


By Daniel Perez

Top business and community leaders will be schmoozing it up next Wednesday night, February 1 at Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills. The event’s organizers, a networking group known as Jewish Business Development, will be offering guests not only a gala evening complete with gourmet food, but something far more valuable: The opportunity to grow their careers.

Following an introduction by New York City Comptroller (and former borough president of Manhattan) Scott Stringer, the main presentation will be given by Duvi Honig. Honig is founder and CEO of the Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce (OJC). According to their website, the OJC “serves as a global umbrella for all of the Orthodox community’s businesses – of all sizes, in all industries,” offering its members a powerful networking tool as well as “enhanced clout within the business and political worlds, improving community business’ prospects at doing business with major corporate entities.”

Discussing OJC and its mission more succinctly, Honig describes the organization as “a global Jewish network focusing only on strengthening the parnassah needs of our community.” When asked to comment on the significance of the upcoming event, Mr. Honig explains that networking “empowers our community.”

“Today, more important than a degree are one’s networking skills. One needs [the ability to network] to find a job or start a business, to grow one’s client base… It’s all about who you know. And with today’s digital world it is so easy to network with people you never would have been able to meet a decade ago.”

This reporter had the chance to speak with other individuals close to the event. As they describe it, the gathering is both is intended both to stimulate the local economy and to foster a greater sense of community.

Prominent Queens rabbi Moshe Faskowitz will be issuing the evening’s initial welcome. His son, Avi, is president of Majestic Retreats–known for their Florida Passover getaways. “As both the senior rabbi in Hillcrest … and Rosh Hayeshiva of Yeshiva Madreigas Ha’adam since its inception almost 20 years ago,” says Avi, “my father is always enthusiastic when the community joins forces and comes together to promote a cause that has done so much good. He looks forward to joining everyone on a special night for all of Queens.”

“Business executives, rabbis, politicians—they’ll all be there,” says Yaniv Meirov, director of the renowned Jewish outreach group CHAZAQ. “It’s truly an event where you will meet anyone and everyone.”

As an added bonus, the event is being catered by popular Queens restaurant Soy Sauce, and features a wine tasting courtesy of HaKerem, another local merchant.

While it may be true that there is no such thing as a free lunch (or Chinese buffet, as the case may be), next week’s event would appear to offer the potential for an excellent return on one’s investment. For highly motivated, enterprising men and women, it may well be the event of the season.

Admission is $10 in advance or $15 at the door. Interested parties can request additional information or reserve their spots by calling 718-880-2622.

REGISTER ONLINE HERE: https://qjlevent2017.eventbrite.com


For information on how you can become a sponsor, have your logo printed in the Queens Jewish Link and a table at the event, call 718-880-2622 or email [email protected]

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