Jerusalem Allocates Over NIS 5 Million To Alleviate Traffic Congestion On Golda Meir Blvd. To Some Degree

1The Jerusalem Finance Committee has approved over NIS 5 million in funds for repairing and improving Golda Meir Blvd., which runs through Ramot in the hope of alleviating some of the daily traffic jams due to traffic volume. The new plan intends to make a significant difference towards alleviating the daily vehicular traffic jams.

Today, one wishing to connect between Begin Highway and Highway 1 (Jerusalem-Tel Aviv Highway) in the northern area of the city must use Ramot and this brings many additional vehicles to Golda Meir and results in endless traffic. The new construction will to some degree alleviate some of this traffic.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. All they have to do is make an over pass directly to Har hachotzvim from the north Begin When they built all of that area they must of forgotten that part. 2 Direct exit from Begin to Ramat shlomo Road. Today you have to exit Begin and go into Golda meir and then Exit again to Ramat shlomo. These 2 Ideas would clear up the Golda.

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