Rabbi Yisroel Landsman Zatzal And Mrs. Chana Landsman Invited Over 6000 Guests Into Their Home In Yerushalayim, Now You Are Invited To Their Son’s Wedding!


If your son or daughter was in Israel between 6-15 years ago, one of the most special addresses for Shabbos hosting in Yerushalayim was the Landsman home in Ramat Shlomo! Boys and girls from all yeshivas and seminaries would flock to the Landsman home for Shabbos. Typical Shabbos tables consisted of 20-35 guests, from Mir and Brisk, to Aish HaTorah, Ohr Sameach, AJ, TJ, OJ, etc. From BJJ and Maor, Sharfmans, and Neve, MMY, and others, everyone came, ate plentifully, enjoyed, and was inspired! Rabbi Landsman warmly accepted, learned, and taught the beauty of yiddishkeit and mitzvos in a non-judgemental, loving manner, amassing an army of H-shem with over 1000 talmidim and many more inspired souls.

Unfortunately, one of the Landsman children, Nechama z”l passed away after a 5 year battle with cancer. Within one year, Rabbi Landsman as well was diagnosed with cancer, and returned his soul to his Creator, leaving behind a beautiful family with many children. Last year, we were zoche to fundraise for 2 Landsman girls who got married and they have built beautiful Jewish homes since. B”H, recently, the youngest son, Aharon, became engaged. Although he inherited many of his father’s wonderful qualities, unfortunately he didn’t inherit the finances to marry himself off. His mother, Mrs. Chana Landsman personally holds down 3 jobs just to survive and feed the remaining children at home.

Aharon pic with Kallah

The Landsmans took care of you and your children, won’t you consider helping them in their time of need?

Thank you!
Donations can be made either through the website
or checks can be made out to Ahavas Torah
and mailed to:
Mrs. E. Samuel
3226 Fallstaff rd.
Baltimore, MD 21215

Tax deductible receipts will be available to those who request it.
Feel free to include letters of chizuk for Mrs. Landsman, or requests for brachos from the chassan, kallah, or Mrs. Landsman!

The wedding will be on י״א אדר. Anyone that can attend will be bring tremendous Simcha to the whole family.

One Response

  1. True True. Many people passed through his doors and satiated their soul as well as their body at Rabbi Yisroel Landsmans house.

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