Historic Yom Tefilla For Cholei Yisroel Across Multiple Communities

k_bannerTODAY! Thousands are gathering in unity for the community to show solidarity and beseech rachmei shomayim for choilei yisroel. In an unprecedented day of tefilla and tzedaka, thousands have opened their homes, their workplaces, their schools, their kollelim to say tehillim and take part in these auspicious hours.

They will all pause for a cause.

And you can be a part of it!

Tefilla for the children who suffer from medical illness. For their parents who suffer along with them, their siblings and the extended family who watch them suffer. And for those who so willingly and ably extend a hand of support to these families at their most difficult time.

Kapayim believes illness shouldn’t shatter families. Every single day our network of more than 750 volunteers assist families suffering from medical illness in their homes, in hospitals, and at the 3 Kapayim Centers so that they can survive the medical crisis.

Donate to Kapayim and take part in the historic Yom Tefilla by calling our office @ 718-412- 8560

Or visit our website www.kapayim.org

A donation of $360 entitles you to the zechus of submitting a name and bakasha to a minyan of talmidei chachomim that will be reciting tehillim during the yom tefillah. Call 718-412- 8560

One Response

  1. Very appropriate, as today — 20 Teves — is the Yartzeit of the RAMBAM, one of the leading Gedolei Yisrael of the generations and a leading physician.

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