Inauguration Protesters Plan To Destroy Property And Disrupt Balls

1On the day of President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration protesters are planning an anti-capitalist march, road blockades and disruptions to inauguration balls. The protests will likely include property destruction, a source with intimate knowledge of the protest plans told The Daily Caller Friday.

The blockades are not limited to roads but will also be at every security checkpoint, the source said. The source added that the protesters blockading each checkpoint will represent a different liberal cause such as climate change or money in politics.

A group called #DisruptJ20 is the most active in the planned protests for the inauguration.

Organizers for #DisruptJ20 are planning to kick off the inauguration protests on Jan. 18 with a gay dance party outside of Vice President-elect Mike Pence’s Chevy Chase, MD home.

Fox News reported Friday on audio of a protester saying #Disrupt20 plans to “crash” the pro-Trump “Deploraball” on Jan. 19, which The Daily Caller’s source confirmed. The source said that several of the balls on inauguration night will be disrupted as well.

The Fox News report also described an anti-capitalist protest emanating from Logan Circle on the morning of the inauguration. The individual with intimate knowledge of the protests told TheDC that property damage will likely result from the protest.

Thousands of police officers from across the nation, 5,000 National Guard troops and local police will be providing security for the inauguration.

Interim Metropolitan Police Chief Peter Newsham said at a recent press conference that the D.C. police were made aware of protest plans by anarchists and that they will be “able to handle it. “

(Via: Daily Caller)

8 Responses

  1. for the first time in my life i can seriously say that i fear for the safety of the president elect on jan 20th. i’m probably playing right into the hands of these protesters and having them accomplish their goals, but what can i do? that’s the way i feel. no matter how many cops and security measures you have nothing can protect mr trump short of putting him in a bullet proof bubble for 25 hours+. it only takes one meshugena and it only takes one second of being off guard. Hashem Yishmor! i still haven’t gotten to the bottom of the reason there could be such hatred and venom for someone. at least, give him a chance to prove himself….or, is that what they DON’T want? we are living in a very unique time, the likes of which have never happened. i’m sure there’s a master plan behind all of this.

  2. Well, let’s see, it will be the people who aren’t working on Friday (or on Monday, or on Tuesday….), and who enjoy rioting, looting, and destroying property, that will be involved in these protests.
    Organizers are planning……
    Where have we heard that term – organizer? Oh, right, it’s the community of his “people”, again, whose lives only matter to other organizers.

  3. This is Obama’s version of a “smooth transition” that fell away with America’s “Democracy”. Democracy in the US, like in Israel, is only for the Left. If the Left, Satan, don’t get what they want, they go rioting, breaking and destroying. That’s Obama’s / Hillary / CIA evil and corruption.

  4. What a disgrace for a Democratic country. These protesters should be ashamed of themselves. If the police are afraid that property will be destroyed, it really shows the low-level of these people. It’s too bad that they can’t outlaw these disruptions before they begin.

  5. They could be very effective, just as the Democratic rioters were effective in 1968 – they effectively made Nixon president and rallied the country around him. Rioting this year would coerce Republicans disinclined to support Trump (which is most of the ones in Congress), since anyone not supporting Trump will be tarnished as a fellow traveler of the rioters. This could Trump from a curiousity into a “watershed” similar to what followed the elections of 1800, 1828, 1860 and 1932.

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