Israelis Are Wasting 2.4 Million Tons Of Food: 33 Percent Of All Food Produced In Israel At A Value Of 19.5 Billion Shekels!

3More than 2.4 million tons of edible food, with a market value of NIS 19.5 billion (US $5 million) is wasted in Israel annually, according to the second national Food Waste and Rescue in Israel: The Economic, Social and Environmental Impact Report, released on Tuesday, 12 Teves 5777 by Leket Israel and BDO Ziv Haft Israel. 1.2 million tons of this food can be rescued and is suitable for human consumption; valued at NIS 8 billion (US $2 billion). Of that, 450 thousand tons, 19% of the wasted food, would bridge the national food insecurity gap.

The report highlights the economic, social and environmental benefits of rescuing unused food for the more than two million Israeli citizens living below the poverty line. BDO applied a unique model that evaluated the loss of food in Israel throughout the value chain: from agriculture to packaging, industry, and distribution.

The emphasis of this year’s report is on food loss in the institutional sector (hotels, banquet halls, military bases, hospitals etc.) as well as a review of the valuable steps that have been taken around the world in the last year to reduce food loss. In the institutional sector, 214 thousand tons is lost annually; 30% of what is produced valued at NIS 3.5 billion (US $900+ million). Approximately one third of the food produced in the institutional sector can be rescued, meaning 64 million meals annually valued at NIS 1.1 billion (US $286+ million).

According to Joseph Gitler, Leket Israel’s Founder and Chairman: “Western countries have worked extensively to reduce food waste this year and it is incumbent on the Israeli government to follow suit. Since the publication of the Inaugural Food Waste and Rescue in Israel Report, Leket Israel has been successful in advancing the law encouraging food rescue. The law passed the Knesset preliminary reading and is currently awaiting approval in the labor, welfare, and health committee. This is a positive step; however, in order to make significant strides, it is imperative to set a national goal similar to the UN’s resolution of a 50% reduction in food waste by 2030 since adopted by the US administration.

In addition, private organizations that participate in government tenders supplying services to the State and that have sources of rescuable food available, must be required to collaborate with registered food rescue NPOs as a prerequisite for contracting with the State.”

According to Chen Herzog, Chief Economist at BDO Ziv Haft Israel: “Surplus food in institutional kitchens is inevitable due to the need to supply food in varied conditions of uncertainty. Our analysis shows high viability to rescue surplus food from military bases, hotels and banquet halls for the benefit of the needy. For every shekel invested in food rescue, there is a NIS 3.6+ return on the investment. If you take into account the environmental and social impact, then every shekel invested yields NIS 7.2 return. Waste reduction is a wining solution for the environment; lowering pollutant levels, greenhouse emissions and a reduction in the use of finite land and water resources.”

Food rescue allows for a narrowing of the food insecurity gap by 73% of what it costs to the economy. There is a clear economic benefit in providing for the needy with rescued food rather than with government stipends, subsidies etc. considering the unique characteristics of turning waste into food. With NIS 810 million (US $210+ million), it is possible to rescue food valued at NIS 3 billion (US $780+ million) which is equivalent to the entire consumption gap between Israelis suffering from food insecurity and Israelis who enjoy normative levels of consumption.

Click here to view highlights of the report.

Photo: Joseph Gitler, Leket Israel’s Founder and Chairman

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photo Credit: Yossef Cohen)

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