Feds to New Jersey: Stop Painting Center Lines Blue

blMunicipalities across New Jersey that have chosen to honor law enforcement by adding a streak of blue to the middle of their roads have been advised by federal officials to stop the practice.

A Dec. 8 letter from the Federal Highway Administration to Somerset County’s Engineering Division confirmed that the blue center lines are in violation of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways.

The MUTCD states that “the pavement surface must be visible in the space between the lines in the same way that it is visible outside the lines.”

Office of Transportation Operations Director Mark Kehrli added in the letter that blue paint should only be used for designating handicap parking spaces.

It’s unclear whether municipalities can be penalized for keeping the blue lines.


7 Responses

  1. Interesting constitutional question. Where does the Federal government get the legal right to dictate to state’s on state roads (meaning roads owned and funded by state and local governments). Perhaps a statute passed under the commerce clause, but if not, it raises fascinating legal questions.

    Though I’m sure if the stripe honored left-wingers killed by police, there wouldn’t be a problem.

  2. makes sense to me…if everyone got to decide how to paint lanes, put up street signs and traffic lights in their own state in would get very confusing.
    there are other ways to honor cops.

  3. There is a Federal standard for traffic control signs and devices to that drivers will know that in every state what the signs and markings mean. Should states be allowed to use red or pink or purple for speed limit signs or green or orange for stop signs

  4. this is a very serious violation, indeed, an investigation should be started to see if Russian agents were behind this to corrupt the NJ officals and what bribes were given.

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