Chareidi Believed Responsible For Shaming Campaign In Custody

arrestA 35-year-old man affiliated with the Yerushalmi faction of the litvish community is in custody, arrested on suspicion of being behind the recent shaming campaign against chareidi soldiers. The campaign posted photos of ‘chardakim’, current and former soldiers on social media.

The suspect was taken into custody on Thursday 7 Teves with Deputy Defense Minister Eli Ben-Dahan reporting this was the result of efforts from a joint campaign of inter-office agencies.

Ben-Dahan and others have been working hard to protect chareidi soldiers who too often come under attack by chareidim unwilling to accept the notion of chareidim serving in the nation’s military.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

14 Responses

  1. How foolish. Regardless of what you hold, the bottom line is that the soldiers of the IDF are putting their lives on the line not only for the yidden in Eretz Yisrael but all over the world. Shame on him.

  2. If this “upstanding” kanai will be put in jail, there will erupt an enormous outcry to help him get out for the sake of his family and for his holy babbe Genesha who is crying her eyes out over Tehilim.
    Then, there will be some sort of a “pigeon” campaign, to raise money for his legal defense against the accursed Zionist government…..

    If this fool would have really sat and learned, without surfing social media, and who knows what else, on his unkosher phone (with or without heter mechira, heter meah rabonon, heter iska, and heter Meah Sheorim to shame a fellow Yid), there would be no need to collect pigeons for him, to make another hafgana, and the babbe could be making cookies instead.

  3. Those IDF soldiers should stay at home and pray to Hashem that the state of Israel should get rid of the apikorsus of the deadly Reform movement that is perverting all of Israel against Hashem’s Holy Torah.

    Those IDF soldiers should know they should instead be in the Torah study halls and not pointing their guns and firing at the enemies which were produced by neglecting Torah and mitzvos!

  4. To No. 6

    My only response to your semi-incoherent and hateful rant is to assume that these imaginary “enemies” will someday be pointing their guns at you and yours and there will be no IDF soldiers to protect you since they will all have shed their uniforms and will be hiding behind a shtender at some beis medrash nearby.

  5. I have seen the disgusting flyers and hope that the publisher and producer of such trash spends much time in jail, followed by some time in the IDF to straighten out his perverted views on Jews.

  6. #6
    If you really believed that, you wouldn’t be on this site. You’d be ‘in the study halls’ instead of wasting your time on YWN!

  7. #1-5 Watch your mouth! The way you judge others, that is how YOU will be judged!

    Are you guys Torah Jews? Why are you so quick to judge others and relish in motzi shem ra and lies?

    Do you know that this choshuva yungerman was taken off the street randomly as he passed police who were waiting to latch on someone – anyone, just because he fitted the description of one belonging to the “Yerushalmi faction”? They grabbed him and went with him to his home and you know what they found? A computer! To their bad luck as much as they were digging in his computer to find something to accuse him of all they discovered were chiddushei Torah. Unfortunately for the KGB and for you they will have to release him.

  8. to ready now,
    shulchon oruch says just the opposite of what you just said. it therefore appears ,that you and your ilk in the neturei karta, dont follow the torah, and have some made up religion of your own.

  9. to # 13, Where in Shulcah Oruch does it say the opposite?! Nowhere!

    All you others who disagree with my previous #6, don’t shoot the messenger, everything is from Hashem, don’t you know, you lovers of apikorsus and Reform! There are already too many in the IDF, no need for anyone to abandon the Torah study halls!

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