Obama Wants to See a Republican Health Care Plan

obcPresident Barack Obama says he would support repealing his health care law if Republicans could put forward a better plan. But he stresses, “I want to see it first.”

Obama spoke Friday during a live-streamed interview with the Vox news website. He argued that repealing the Affordable Care Act and replacing it later would be “a huge disservice to the American people.”

Obama has aggressively worked to defend the law in his final days in office.

President-elect Donald Trump’s team has declared that repealing Obama’s signature legislative achievement is their top priority. Congressional leaders hope to deliver a bill voiding much of the law to Trump by late February. But they do not yet have a replacement ready.


8 Responses

  1. But he stresses, “I want to see it first.”

    It’s ironic that the Democrats passed Mr. Obama’s health care program without fully reading it and understanding its implications. One infamous lawmaker was quoted as saying “We need to pass it first so that we can see what’s in it.”

  2. He will see it soon enough. Meanwhile, he should definitely be signed onto, and so remain, on his own version of Obamacare.
    If anything, it may cure some of his arrogance.

  3. It never even seems to occur to anyone that the FEDERAL government shouldn’t be in the healthcare business at all. Just get out entirely. There is no authorization for such a thing in the Constitution to begin with.

    If you really think the FEDERAL government should be involved, show me the constitutional AMENDMENT.

  4. “The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones.”
    —Mark Anthony at Julius Caesar’s funeral oration

    Seems we might apply it to Barack Hussein Obama vengeful, anit-Semitic acts like stabbing Israel in the back by not vetoing the UN resolution on settlements and blocking Trump’s presidential agenda.

    Obama referred cold-heartedly—even anti-Semitically—diminished the murder of Jews in a Paris kosher grocery by Islamic radicals with direct ties to ISIS as an instance where “zealots . . randomly shoot a bunch of folks”

    We wonder what Barack Hussein Obama would say or do if those “bunch of folks” were Muslims instead of Jews?

    Muslim terrorists are murdering people all over the world—including Muslims.

    He will never call our enemy by their right name “Muslim terrorists.”

    That’s why he lost the war against ISIS andMuslim terrorists.

    Geir Lundestad Director of the Nobel Institute for 25 years wrote in his memoir “Secretary of Peace: 25 Years with the Nobel Prize,” that in 2009 the idea behind the unanimous decision of the five-member Norwegian Nobel Committee was to give the newly elected US President Barack Hussein Obama the Nobel Peace Prize and over $1 million was a mistake.

    It was given to encourage him to achieve his goals, according to Norway’s The Local.

    But he said Obama’s actions proved that “…decision to be flawed…”

    A survey by the Norwegian University of Kinifk conducted at the time found only 26% of Americans thought Obama deserved to win.

    “Even many of Obama’s supporters thought that the prize was a mistake.”

    Obama himself said he was “surprised” by the prize.

    At the presentation he said, “I accept this honor with gratitude and humility,” admitting;

    “I have no clear solutions to conflicts around the world.”

    He still doesn’t.

    He should return the prize.

    And the money.


    Then he should be disgraced by being impeached.

    Another incompetent, anti-Semite, Jimmy Carter, president of the United States from 1977 to 1981, also received the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize.

  5. Re comment 7: I don’t think they plan on showing it to us.

    But they (Republicans in Congress) must have a plan – they have been talking about replacing Obamacare for 6 years, so they must have a plan, right? (I would end with “hah-hah”, but it is not funny that they don’t).

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