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Jerusalem Mayor Barkat Declares A General Strike To Begin Next Week

1Talks between Jerusalem City Hall and the Finance Ministry are not progressing as Mayor Nir Barkat insists he needs NIS 400 million more than Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon is willing to sign on. Kahlon is willing to allocate NIS 600 million but the mayor says that is a far cry from the NIS 1 billion the city is supposed to receive. As such, Barkat announced on Thursday 7 Teves that he is done playing games – announcing that beginning on Monday, 11 Teves, the city will be observing a general strike, halting all services.

It appears the religious parties are on board too, explaining the treasury under Kahlon has been cutting Jerusalem short and it can no longer operate without a full budget.

The city’s PTA organizations is asking the mayor not to shut schools. The mayor is yet to respond.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. A city striking against the central government for more aid (at the expense of taxpayers in the rest of the country?? If it works it would start an interesting trend. If it includes the Arabs and the non-zionist hareidim, it would make the world notice. At least its a “new” idea even if not a well thought out one.

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