1000s Of Pamphlets Against Induction Into The IDF In Beit Shemesh

sThousands of pamphlets intended for bnei yeshiva against induction into the IDF were distributed in Beit Shemesh on Wednesday night.

In addition to speaking of the IDF negatively, persons reading it are instructed not to sign on any forms whatsoever and not to wear a uniform, not even to just pose for a photo.

The pamphlet is full of facts, helpful information for bnei yeshivos as how to best deal with military authorities.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. Hopefully, as part of their “helpful information”, these pamphlets make clear that some of these bochurim may risk arrest and prosecution since the law still requires registration and possible requirements to serve in the IDF absent some waiver or deferral.

  2. Exactly who sponsors the printing of these vital pamphlets? I surely hope these aren’t the people who spend their last shekalim for this fish wrap, and then come shnorring to the US for some poor child of theirs chasuna.

  3. The IDF is no place for a frum Jew whether they are learning or not.As for people risking their lives while others sit–all of us in Eretz Yisrael ,especially frum Jews in Jerusalem ,risk our lives EVERY DAY while you guys sit in Chutz l’aretz so stop with your hypocrisy.

  4. I have always been of a divided opinion on service in the IDF. On one side there is the obligation to protect Jewish lives and the land of Israel. On the other side is the reality that the IDF is headed and controlled by haters of Torah and Torah Jews. Furthermore, and unlike the Jew hating Goyim, these people do not respect their own laws and their word is meaningless. They are all manipulative liars and nothing they say can be relied upon. That means that a Torah loyal Jew who enters the IDF must be prepared for a constant cultural, and occasionally physical, battle.

    However even knowing all this I entered the IDF, served and did MILLOIIM for many years. It was a battle. Today in certain ways the situation is better. The percentage of Torah loyal Jews in the IDF and especially the officer’s corps if very high and increases every year. Nevertheless there is a glass ceiling and so far no Torah loyal Jew has cracked it. Also the unJews/erev rav know their time is coming to an end and are frantically lashing out against the Torah. Often in ways that seriously jeopardizes their own safety. It does not mater to them. They are totally driven by hatred.

    So what to do? I was able to answer for myself but I can not give anyone else advice.

  5. #2: You should be preaching to the almost 50% of the draft age seculars who refuse to be drafted so that they can have more fun, parties with drugs and alcohol, and trips abroad. The entire world is allowed freedom of expression, often expressing the lowest imaginable thoughts. Everyone, except the frum Jews, the yeshiva bochurim. You guys shut your mouths and obey your chiloni masters! Yeshiva bochurim are NOT entitled to their own opinion, to think differently, to publish dissenting pamphlets.
    Wow, the beginning of our redemption….

  6. ne is entitled to their opinion, but what makes the yeshiva students blood richer than the member of tzahal. . when the Arabs are at the doors of the yeshiva in addition the tehillim a call will be made by the Rosh Yeshiva for the army ( yes Tzahal whether religious or chiloni to put their lives on the line)to come and protect. Think about it before some unnamed group publishes pamphlets

  7. Here’s a suggestion for all the folks who think schlepping yeshiva bochurim into the army is a worthy endeavor. Try to think independently without the humbug propaganda against Bnei Torah.
    Someone who serves in tanks — what if he is asked “why aren’t you in the paratroopers, or why aren’t you a pilot?” It’s ridiculous,right? The tankists have their job, and the pilots have theirs. No one can or should be asked to serve in more than one branch of the service.
    The Bnei Torah are serving as protection for all of those soldiers and for all of Klall Yisroel.
    I know, “but they’re sitting in the Beis Medrash. They’re not exposed to danger!!”
    As everyone living in Israel knows (maybe you all don’t live here) the vast majority of soldiers are NOT exposed to danger either. Like I’ve exp;ained previously. So, they’re not wearing the green uniform. Do you realize how many people serve in the Shin Bet, the Mossad, and many other “organizations” that you NEVER hear about — all of these don’t wear the green uniform either!! And yet no one says that they are not doing their duty. The Bnei Torah are also doing their duty. So what is it if they are under the command of the Roshei Yeshivos, instead of some bare-headed chiloni character who doesn’t follow the Torah?
    Try to think out of the box. You’ll see how refreshing it is.

  8. To docelisheva- (I hope you aren’t a medical doctor, you have zero compassion or sensitivity.)

    I understand. It’s OK for chilonim to risk their lives in defense of Israel, but cvs a frum person should? And you talk about hypocrisy? FTR I live in Ramat Beit Shemesh. I am Chareidi and I support all IDF, especially the chareidim who risk cherem in their communities.

    BTW …The Satmar Rebbe’s great grandson serves in the IDF. Good for him! My religious friend has 2 sons in the army and another one goes in after Pesach. Her FRUM daughter served – in a long skirt. They believe the safety of EY depends on everyone & being frum is not an excuse to get out of it.

    To #7, well said. We are inundated with paskvillen and no, we don’t know who funds them or the cars that go around preaching fanaticism and hate.

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