Greenfield Launches Ambitious New Clean Parks Initiative

gfTo kick off 2017, which he has dubbed “The Year of the Parks,” Councilman David Greenfield has launched an ambitious new initiative that will clean parks in his district.

“I am already in the process of fully renovating every single park in my district, but as that happens it’s important that we don’t forget the importance of regular cleaning and maintenance,” Greenfield said. “People don’t want to take their children to dirty, unkempt parks. My new program will make sure that our park remains clean and litter-free.”

The program, which officially kicked off last week, will last through 2017. Contracted employees will fan out through parks in Greenfield’s 44th Council District on a regular basis to remove litter, care for plants and landscaping, and conduct general maintenance work as needed.

Since being elected to the City Council, Greenfield has fought tirelessly for neighborhood beautification efforts. His wildly popular NYC Cleanup initiative, which directs cleanup funding to the areas of the city that need it most, is now in its third year, with over $7 million in funding for fiscal 2017. Greenfield uses that funding to clean every major street in his district including 13, 16th, 18th Avenues and Avenues J, M and Kings Highway. Its success spawned a similar initiative from Mayor Bill de Blasio, called CleaNYC.

“For the health of our environment and the well-being of our families, it’s important that we work to keep our communities clean. I am proud to fight for programs and organizations that do just that,” Greenfield said.

Greenfield is in the process of renovating every single park his district through $35 million in funding he secured from NYC. Most recently, Greenfield announced the completion of 18th Avenue Park in Boro Park and Seth Low Park in Bensonhurst.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

One Response

  1. how can he use the word “I am” where it is our money in fact? Also what will he do about escalating tuition which was his platform when he ran?

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