ALERT – THIRD Melted Pre-Filled Oil Cups For Menorah – Three Different Companies [PHOTOS]

m05The attached images were submitted to YWN by a reader following the publishing of two previous alerts regarding melting ready to use oil-filled cups. In the first incident, the company stated that the person didn’t use the wicks that were supposed to be in the packaging. Not finding any wicks in the box, the person went and purchased their own cotton wicks – with the same company name, figuring there would be no issue.

In the second incident, the person used the wicks that came with the packaging.

In the third incident, the wicks that came with the packaging were used as well.

It should be noted, that all three incident are three different companies.

(Dov Gefen – YWN)

6 Responses

  1. At some point, you cannot protect everyone from their own stupidity. I cannot imagine any rational yid using a plastic cup of any sort with any wick to burn oil for menorah. Why would you do so when there are so many heat-resistant glass and metallic oil cups available? Its sort of like the mindless yidden who we read about every few years who burn down their beis medrash with an illegal improvised matzoh bakery or who start fires in their homes by leaving Styrofoam food containers on a Shabbos blech.

  2. Two things …

    1. Plastic BURNS so if the cup is plastic, IT WILL BURN!

    2. “It should be noted, that all three incident are three different companies.” Thats nice but not necessarily emes as they could all be made by the same farshtinkina company in China.

  3. If the menora shown in the picture was the one actually used then it was the consumers negligence to put lit plastic cups so close to each other. Compare to the picture shown on the product box.

  4. Gadolhadorah
    “I cannot imagine any rational yid using a plastic cup of any sort with any wick to burn oil for menorah.”

    If it’s a commercially sold product, shouldn’t I be able to assume that it’s safe? (Especially if the package says “fireproof”)

    “If the menora shown in the picture was the one actually used then it was the consumers negligence to put lit plastic cups so close to each other.”

    Why would putting them close to each other cause them to melt? And if it would, shouldn’t they write that on the package? The package says “fireproof plastic cups”.

  5. Glass cup crack or bust.

    Last year I had 1 of my glass cups literally cracked the upper part into pieces. Just asking what’s the right thing to use?

    Thanks for Yeshiva World for bringing up this very important issue that can save pain for אחינו בני ישראל, And for the encouragement of those sellers to do some due diligence Before bringing those products to the market for sale.

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