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PM Netanyahu Defends His Vigorous Response To The Passing Of UN Resolution 2334

3Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was a guest at the ceremony to launch the Socio-Economic Development Plan for the Galil. He used the forum to address critics, those who accuse him of responding too vigorously regarding Israel’s criticism and response to the UN Security Council nations that voted in favor of Resolution 2334 or abstained and thereby permitted the resolution to pass.

“I read in several newspapers this morning that they are complaining about my vigorous stand against the countries that voted against us at the UN. Israel is a country with national pride and we do not turn the other cheek. This is a responsible, measured and vigorous response, the natural response of a healthy people that is making it clear to the nations of the world that what was done at the UN is unacceptable to us.

“There is continuing importance to this response even if there is another attempt or two to harm us in the coming month. But there is no alternative to a determined response because it is, in effect, creating the basis for a different approach in the future. Therefore, to describe our protest as a world war is ridiculous. I suggest – enough of this Diaspora-think. I tell you that there is no diplomatic wisdom in being ingratiating. Not only will our relations with the nations of the world not be harmed, over time they will only improve because the nations of the world respect strong countries that stand up for themselves and do not respect weak ingratiating countries that bow their heads.

“Under my leadership, Israel is a strong and proud nation. We will continue to defend our state and we will develop the country.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photo Credit: Kobi Gideon, GPO)

3 Responses

  1. ““Under my leadership, Israel is a strong and proud nation.” – PM Netanyahu.

    Under your leadership the Iran deal passed. Under your leadership Resolution 2442 passed. Under your leadership BDS has boomed. Under your leadership products from the territories are forcibly labeled as such in many countries. Under your leadership companies like Soda Stream were forced to shutter their factories in the territories. Under your leadership Israel is more isolated than ever. Under your leadership cars and knives have been used to murder Israeli citizens. Your muscular diplomacy has been a miserable failure. You have failed. You are endangering your country with your loud mouthed brashness. Resign!

  2. The way you treat religious Jews and cruelly throw them out of their homes in the Jewish country, that’s how the world deals with you. Mida keneged mida, measure for measure.


    If the government of Israel does not believe that Israel is a G-d given land to the Jews and they do everything to be no different than other countries, sell pork, desecrate Shabbos openly, fill the cities and streets with every kind of immorality, abomination and tumah, and have the chutzpah to throw Jews – and only Jews – out of their homes, and run the country against Torah laws, it’s Hashem Who is unmistakably sending the UN to pass resolutions against Israel.

  3. Dear Mr Prime Minister Natanyahu,


    So please allow Amona Residents to stay, without conditions,
    please OUTLAW Women of the Wall OUTRIGHT,
    and stop bending the knee to Reform, the so -called Jews
    all our problems are from insulting HASHEM,
    all Israel’s problems are our punishment for bowing down to all other than Hashem.

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