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President Rivlin Sends A Clear Message – Lights Chanukah Candles In Beit El

2Among Israeli leaders whom have spoken out harshly against the recent passing of the UN Security Council Resolution 2334 was President Reuven Rivlin. Mr. Rivlin made a point of sending his message with actions as well, lighting Chanukah candles on Monday evening in the Shomron community of Beit El. The visit coincided with the inauguration of a new beis medrash in the community.

The President was accompanied by Beit El council head Shai Alon as he spoke with the regional and community leaders, and heard of the challenges they were facing.

The President said, “Here in Beit El, we are connected in the deepest way to our roots, to the biblical forefather Yaakov, to Saul, and later to the days of the Maccabees,” among a long list, and added, “This is our history, this is our country, this land which we worked, and which we fought for, and today more than 2,000 years since the Maccabees, the descendants of Judah the Maccabee raise the flag here in Beit El.”

He added, “The festival of the Chanukah in Jewish tradition is a symbol of miracles, a symbol of light and heroism. Each year we remember the and retell the miracle of the oil and the heroism of the Maccabees. The value of their bravery has been passed down through the history of the Jewish people till today. Jewish bravery is not just in the field of battle, but public and civilian life, personal as well as collective, and occurs each day in every area of life. Not just physical bravery, but spiritual courage. As a symbol of this are you, the Jewish communities of Yehuda and Shomron, the pioneers before the camp who deal each day with terror attacks, injuries to body and mind, international boycotts, sanctions, isolation, de-legitimization, and uncertainty. With many complex challenges. For more than 2,000 years we remember and commemorate the story of the heroic Maccabees; the victory of the few over the many. Even today, in these very days, we kindle the light in the face of the darkness. We continue to struggle for our existence and for our attachment to every part of our land. We will struggle and we will not fear.”

The President stressed, ““We are in a far from simple ordeal to which there are no simple solutions, in the relations between the people living here. Since we returned to our land, complex crises and challenges have been forced upon us, and we currently face just such a challenge. One thing we are sure of: faithfulness to our roots and to our country, and commitment to our principles as a Jewish and democratic state, these are what have assured, and will ensure our ability to face any challenge which befalls us.”

He concluded, “The unity of the Jewish people, the tribes of Israel, is necessary and indispensable in order to safeguard our continuity.” The President went on to join the members of the Yeshiva to light the Chanukah candles, and wished them all a joyous festival.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/ Photo Credit: Haim Zach, GPO)

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