Deri And Litzman To Meet With PM Netanyahu To Discuss Muezzin Bill

1Minister Aryeh Deri and Minister Yaakov Litzman will be meeting with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to discuss the Muezzin Bill at the behest of Mr. Netanyahu. The meeting is likely to take place in the coming days.

There has been controversy around the bill but whatever the meeting brings about, it is unlikely that Litzman or Deri will create a coalition crisis over the matter. In fact, back in November, Deri reportedly promised Arab MKs that he will not back the bill. In December, Israel Police officials announced their objections to the bill, explaining they prefer enforcement of the law by dialogue and not trying to push the controversial bill through at the objections of the Muslim community.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Unless Litzman and his cronies are ready to silence the Shabbos sirens, than they should back away from this stupid effort to legislate rules on the Muslim call for davening. In reality, both sides should silence their electronic amplification. In the modern era, everyone knows the time of day and doesn’t having their shuls and mosques blaring out the zman. If we do establish such sill rules, apply them equally to all religious noise pollution.

  2. There is a good rule of thumb these days in media, ‘always look at who is writing the Article’ if it’s the NYT than even if the beginning may sound like u agree with them (I.e. When they wrote about Clinton email deletion, since it’s the NYT however, know that there is a cynical reason behind it. Perhaps to downplay the criminality…)

    Reading #1 above (gadolhadorah)
    Is the same like reading the evil NYT!

    In the name of “democracy” and so called “fairness” am Yisroel can get destroyed and he couldn’t care less.

    Why TYW publishes people like him is beyond me

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