High Court To Hear Petition On Sifrei Torah In The Ezras Noshim Of The Kosel

kotelThe High Court of Justice on Wednesday, 28 Kislev, is scheduled to hear a petition filed by the Center for Women’s Justice pertaining to permitting Sifrei Torah into the ezras noshim of the Kosel. The organization represents women who broke away from the Women of the Wall for they do not accept the egalitarian prayer area but insist on continuing davening at the Kosel. The petition is filed against the Rav of the Kosel and Holy Sites Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz Shlita, the Kosel Heritage Foundation, the Ministry of Religious Service and the Director-General of the Prime Minister’s Office Eli Groner.

The state wanted to push off the hearing but the court would not accept the request. The case will be heard by Justices Elyakim Rubinstein, Yoram Danziger and Uzi Fogelman.

These women explain that they are religious and therefore, they wish to continue davening at the Kosel and not some other area nearby allocated by the government and they also wish to be able to bring a Sefer Torah to the ezras noshim. Rav Rabinowitz has maintained permitting them to do so would be viewed as insensitive and offensive to the hundreds of thousands of frum women who are opposed to such an arrangement.

They have also asked to be heard as a respondent in another case regarding the Kosel and the future of the egalitarian prayer area.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. The Women of the Wall are not religious they are sheker, false and liers.
    Please, judges, don’t harm Israel and yourselves.
    Vote against these mammserim!

  2. What’s next-“Jews for Jesus” singing missionary songs at the Kotel?The Israeli Supreme Court needs to stay out of religious issues,the Rav of the Kotel and the Rabbinate have set the standards ,let these Hellenists go pray in their own houses instead of provoking those of us who are at the Kotel for prayer.

  3. shimen-it is clearv you don’t know your halochos. Check Yoreh Deah.
    “ready now” : go back to kindergarten where your infantile insults will cause no harm.

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