Netanyahu Lights Menorah at Kosel On 2nd Night Of Chanukah As Response To U.N. Resolution

15732061_1533533389994734_5798011166632243120_oPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks on the second night of Chanukah at the Western Wall:

“I did not plan to be here this evening but in light of the UN resolution I thought that there was no better place to light the second Chanukah candle than the Western Wall. According to the UN resolution, the Maccabees did not liberate Jerusalem, they occupied Palestinian territory. According to the UN resolution, the villages that they started out from in the Modi’in area, those villages and that area were ‘occupied Palestinian territory’.

Of course the Palestinians arrived much later. We were in these places. We will return to these places and I ask those same countries that wish us a Happy Chanukah how they could vote for a UN resolution which says that this place, in which we are now celebrating Chanukah, is occupied territory.

The Western Wall is not occupied. The Jewish Quarter is not occupied. The other places are not occupied either. Therefore, we do not accept, nor can we accept, this resolution. We are certain of our future just as we are certain of our past. And here I would like to light Chanukah candles on behalf of the Glory of Israel. Happy Chanukah.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. Ironic how the leader of the misyavnim of today, the Zionists, (ab)uses Chanukah for his propaganda.

    The Menorah symbolizes Klal Yisrael staying true to the mesorah going all the way back to Sinai. Lihavdil, Zionism is all about the opposite: nihye kiChal haAmim, not the Torah CH”V, etc.

    While it is certainly true that Jews were in E”Y a long, long time before the “Palestinians”, however, it is also very true the Zionists, of which Mr. Netanyahu is the leader, are very much late-comers and have a very brief history in G-d’s holy land ever since they fraudulently arrived and made their disasters R”L L”A around a century ago.

    So, yes, having nothing to do with Arabs, those territories are very much occupied – by Zionists – as opposed to by Jews.

  2. The UN resolution is YOUR own fault. It’s CLEARLY HASHEM’S MESSAGE TO THE G-DLESS COUNTRY.

    If the government of Israel does not believe that Israel is a G-d given land to the Jews and they do everything to be no different than other countries, sell pork, desecrate Shabbos openly, fill the cities and streets with every kind of immorality, abomination and tumah, and have the chutzpah to throw Jews – and only Jews – out of their homes, and run the country against Torah laws, it is Hashem WHO is unmistakably sending the UN to pass resolutions against Israel.

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