The Eida Chareidis And Identifying Jelly Donuts

1Back in the day, Chanukah in Israel was synonymous with jelly donuts, which were parve. As the years passed, the jelly donut market expanded to a lucrative filled donut marketplace, including items ranging in price from a shekel or two to NIS 15 for donuts with icing, decorations, and fillings one would find in exclusive pastry shops. With this donut evolution came another change and today, not all the donuts are parve but many are dairy.

The following attachment from the Eida Chareidis assists one in identifying donuts sold under this hechsher. The dairy ones have vanilla icing running across the top, including donuts with chocolate topping. Parve donuts on the other hand include all types with the exclusion of those with the white icing lines across the top, once again including those with chocolate topping.

The Eida adds that the hechsher is only valid on products sold in stores with its hechsher or in sealed packaging.

The Eida adds donuts are deep fried in oil or the dough is kneaded with a majority of fruit juice.

(Courtesy of Jerusalem Kosher News)

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