Obama Dumps Registry for Some Immigrant Men, MOSTLY Muslims

obaThe Obama administration is officially ending a post-9/11 era registration system for immigrant men from mostly Muslim countries.

The decision to scrap the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System comes amid growing international terror fears and President-elect Donald Trump’s suggestions that he could ban Muslim immigrants from the United States.

Trump said Wednesday, “You know my plans.”

The NSEERS program was widely derided by civil libertarians as an effort to profile people based on race and religion.

The administration hasn’t been using the program since 2011.


8 Responses

  1. I said it before and will say it again. Obama should be ousted immediately and should have been ousted the moment he admitted to the fraud of his fake Birth Certificate. Who knows how much more damage he’ll do to America before he leaves office? He feels he’s got nothing to lose now that the entire world learned of his corruption and sees him for the fake, phony and fraud he is. This crook is so evil, he could even bring into the US now before he goes the 1.5 million Muslims The Devil was planning to as soon as she would’ve become POTUS ch”v. B”H she’s not.

    BTW is the Muslim guy pictured, the Liar-in-Chief bichvodo uve’atzmo?

  2. Arye I don’t remember Obama admitting the birth certificate is fake. So you need to start backing up some of these outlandish claims

  3. To Nos. 4, 5, and 6

    Whoever it is posting under the name of Arye is a resident troll who makes these bizarre assertions regarding Obama and seems to get some perverse pleasure from those expressing outrage and shock. Whatever you think of Obama, even Trump has acknowledged that he was born in Hawaii etc. so just ignore Aryeleh.

  4. #4,5,6 Are you guys for real? Are you sleeping all day? That’s what happens when you listen to propaganda and lies from Fakestream Nonsense instead of real news. Here it is black on white in the first comment in Yeshiva World News.

    YWN reported AP’s Fake News who covered it up with a long megillah of baloney. MDshweks was nice enough to tell it to the ostriches in plain simple mamme loshon.

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