Photo Essay: Wedding of Daughter of Lelov Rebbe Of Boro Park And Son Of And Stroznitz Rebbe (Photos by JDN)

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5 Responses

  1. From my point of view, the wedding looked really awkward and strange. I asked myself: I could understand they don’t believe in taking any pictures of women or the chassan and kallah together, but are there any women at the wedding, as it appeared empty on the other side of the mechitza? I also wondered why the main & center chair was not for the chassan. It’s the chassan biggest day to shine. I can’t stand seeing haughtiness and arrogance. It’s not a tish or a Kiddush for the Rav, it’s a wedding and day of simcha for the chassan and kallah.

  2. Whether you or I find these minhagim “logical” or “respectful of the chason/kalah” from a modern day perspective, this is the way its been done for literally several hundred years in the Alte Heim and most likely will be done for generations into the future by all of these Chassidus. The objective of being “mesameach chason v’kalah” is always balanced with the singular objective of always making kavod h’rav the criteria for how these simchas are “staged”. It was explained to me that the gabboim of the rebbe have fairly detailed scripts they follow and almost never deviate from absent some illness or other unusual consideration. Nor do the Chason/Kalah and their guests seem to mind. In fact, I’ve been told that the women at these events actually seem to enjoy having their own private space. Don’t take it as “haughtiness and arrogance” by the Rav…its not.

  3. I find it very interesting that the so called “open minded people” are so close minded. At all Chasidic weddings the men and women are totally separated! Welcome to America!
    Of course the women take pictures, BUT they’re not posting them on Yeshiva world to see.

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