Netanyahu Offers to Treat Aleppo Wounded

syrIsrael’s prime minister says he would like to grant medical assistance to Syrians wounded in the battle over the city of Aleppo.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told members of the foreign press in Jerusalem on Tuesday that he has asked Israel’s Foreign Ministry to look into the possibility of bringing non-combatant men, women and children to Israel for medical treatment.

“We’re prepared to take in wounded women and children, and also men if they are not combatants … bring them to Israel, take care of them in our hospitals, as we’ve done with thousands of Syrian civilians,” Netanyahu said at a meeting with foreign reporters in Jerusalem. “I’ve asked the foreign ministry to seek ways to expand our medical assistance to the civilian casualties of the Syrian tragedy, specifically in Aleppo,” he said.

Israel has treated thousands of Syrians wounded in Syria’s nearly six-year civil war, offering them medical treatment in hospitals in Israel.

Netanyahu told reporters, “We see the terrible tragedy of civilians and I’ve asked the Foreign Ministry to seek ways to expand our medical assistance to the civilian casualties of the Syrian tragedy, specifically in Aleppo.”


4 Responses

  1. That’s all very nice but we keep hearing there’s not enough money to go round in Israel. Look after your own citizens first.
    Maybe ask the Muslim nations to pay….

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