Trump Hits Bill Clinton After He Said ‘Trump Knows How To Get Angry White Men To Vote For Him’

Bill ClintonDonald Trump is taking issue with Bill Clinton’s criticisms of him.

Clinton told a weekly newspaper in New York state earlier this month that Trump “doesn’t know much.” Clinton went on to say: “One thing he does know is how to get angry, white men to vote for him.” The ex-president also claimed that the president-elect called him after his election victory over Hillary Clinton.

First of all, Trump said in a two-part tweet Tuesday, “Bill Clinton stated that I called him after the election. Wrong, he called me (with a very nice congratulations).”

Trump added that Clinton is the one who “‘doesn’t know much’… especially how to get people, even with an unlimited budget, out to vote in the vital swing states (and more).” The Clinton campaign, Trump says, “focused on the wrong states.”

Trump fired off those tweets the morning after he formally won the presidency in Monday’s Electoral College tally.

Bill Clinton made his comments to The Record-Review, serving the towns of Bedford and Pound Ridge.


6 Responses

  1. Clinton is right but that doesn’t explain why Trump won. Hillary was a flawed candidate that failed to energize the young and minority voters that Obama brought out in 2008 and 2012. At the same time, he focus on abstract progressive themes played well on the east and west coast but alienated white middle class voters in the middle of the country who had either lost their jobs or otherwise felt left behind. Trump spoke to their pain (to coin a phrase Bill had used) without really offering anything as an alternative other than to “drain the swamp”.

  2. Trump does not know how to get angry white men to vote for him. Bill Clinton is one, and he didn’t vote for Trump (presumably). And if you look at photos of anti-Trump protesters you see many angry white men (boys? college students? loafers?) Not to mention all the journalists and Wall Street types.

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