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Jerusalem Rabbinate Against Xmas Trees In Hotels

1As Xmas is an annual event, so is that of rabbonim trying to prevent the presence of Xmas trees in Jerusalem hotels that have a hashgacha from the Jerusalem Rabbinate. Jerusalem Chief Rabbis HaGaon HaRav Aryeh Stern Shlita and HaGaon HaRav Moshe Shlomo Amar Shlita have released a letter stating Xmas trees are not permitted in hotels in Yerushalayim as per halacha. The same letter adds hotels should “avoid New Year’s parties in their hotel”. Officials of the hoteliers association fear this would negatively impact Christian tourism.

It is pointed out that based on previous High Court rulings, the Jerusalem Rabbinate did not make maintaining kashrus supervision contingent on not having an Xmas tree, which is forbidden by Israel’s High Court of Justice, but they say it is not suitable.

Hoteliers are quick to fire back, that the Chief Rabbis’ letter is contrary to the High Court ruling of two years ago, prohibiting any connection with Xmas trees and kashrus supervision for a hotel. They stress they are concerned over Christian tourism.

The Hiddush organization, which is connected to Reform Jewry, has already released its objections to making any connection between granting kashrus and Xmas trees in hotels.

YWN-ISRAEL points out that R”L the matter of Xmas trees is becoming more commonplace in Eretz Yisrael, such as in Hebrew University, which refused to grant a request from frum female students for a mechitzah, but insists on freedom of religion when it comes to a Xmas tree. There is also one R”L in Haifa’s Technion University.

The Jerusalem Chief Rabbis clarify, as stated in the letter, the prohibition to the Xmas trees is not at all tied to granting kashrus certification to a hotel but it is intended to remove the symbol of Christianity, which is offensive to the religious sensibilities of many Jews who are traditional and observant.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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