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Yeshiva In Ramot Yerushalayim To Be Shut Down By The City And Education Ministry

1According to Jerusalem Municipality and Ministry of Education officials, Yeshivas Yad Aharon located in the Ramot neighborhood of the capital is being closed for violating local zoning. The city explains the decision is a joint one with the ministry, and this was the response submitted to the yeshiva in its appeal to abandon plans to evict the yeshiva.

The letter sent from the city’s legal department explains the area is not being used as it should, citing it is situated in a midst of a small street and this results in bringing tens of children to that street daily including children of the faculty and parents and the yeshiva is violating the local zoning regulations. In addition, the city points out the local ‘minhal’ (community government) has called on the city to remove the yeshiva from the location.

The city’s planning board this week ruled not to permit using the building in question for a yeshiva after a stormy meeting on the matter with representatives of the city council. The yeshiva filed for an exception to be made to permit it to operate in the residential structure.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. At the minimum the municipality should then provide an alternative building,there is already a classroom shortage in the charedi sector.

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