Shuvu Young Leadership Mission Day 1



Day 1

I don’t know what you did today, but I just saw 100 miracles sing “Al Hanisim”!!

I saw another 25 recite Mishnaos bal peh!!

I saw another 50 learning in a chaburah and taking a quiz on hilchos chanukah

I saw a new generation of kids start their day with song and dance about love and respect of a fellow Jew….while a mother watched with tears streaming down her eyes….


You cant help but just wanna cry and sing songs that we grew up on…you know them…about Miracles Amazing wonders like no one’s ever seen before….No Jew will be left behind…

RAV Pam ztl vision and foresight are here in front of our eyes……BUT…….

Most if not all of these children go home to parents who are not frum

Most of these parents cannot or DO NOT want to pay the full tuitions that are required to continue this work THAT MUST GO ON!!

If we cannot plant the seed in these children who are children of those who never knew ANYTHING about yidishkeit NOBODY WILL!!

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One Response

  1. Rav Pam’s zt”l reward for establishing SHUVU schools can not be imagined. What is needed today are more SHUVU schools for French Olim, American Olim and CHaredim who are looking for frum schools with an excellent secular studies department.

    The SHUVU school system most matches our Day School/Community Schools and out of town Yeshivos – & everyone loves the morahs/rebbeim and programs of those schools!

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