TRAGEDY IN BALTIMORE: 13-Year-Old Moshe Moskowitz Z’L Killed In Crash; Mother In Critical Condition [UPDATED WITH LEVAYA INFO]

mm1The Baltimore Jewish Community is in mourning on Wednesday, as word spread about a tragic accident that left 13-year-old Moshe Moskowitz Z”L dead, and his mother in critical condition.

Authorities say the crash happened at around 9:15PM on the northbound lanes of I-95 near the Intercounty Connector in Maryland. Highway officials say at least four vehicles, including a tractor trailer, were involved in the crash.

Investigators believe a black Honda Pilot became disabled in the roadway resulting in a collision with a Dodge Caravan and a tractor-trailer. A white Volkswagen was also involved.

Moshe Z”L, who was a passenger in the Dodge, was flown to Children’s Hospital where he R”L succumbed to his injuries. The driver of the Dodge, his mother – 45-year-old Tamara Moskowitz, was transported to Medstar in Washington, D.C. with life threatening injuries.

The driver and passenger of the Honda were both transported to Prince George’s Hospital Center with non-life threatening injuries.

The driver of the Volkswagen was not injured in the collision.

I-95 was closed for approximately five hours, with some closures extending in to the early morning hours Wednesday.

The cause of the accident is still being investigated at this time.

Misaskim was working with the Medical Examiner in Washington D.C. to ensure that the Niftar was being released in a timely fasion and working to ensure proper Kavod Haniftar.

Moshe Moskowitz Z”L is the son of Rabbi and Mrs. Doniel Moskowitz. Moshe was an 8th grader in Talmudic Academy in Baltimore – Where his father is a Rebbi.

He was the youngest rider in Bike4Chai this past summer. He biked the very difficult 170 mile bike ride along with his brother Naftali – raising more than $12,000 for the children of Camp SImcha.

Please be Mispallel for Tamar Adina bas Kayna Shulamis, who is in critical condition.

Levayah will take place tomorrow, Thursday, Dec. 15, at Sol Levinson’s at 11AM.

Kevurah will be at the Agudah Cemetery in Rosedale.

Shiva will be observed at 7006 Wallis Ave, Baltimore, MD 21215

Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

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(Chaim Shapiro – YWN)

19 Responses

  1. Oy, Hashem Yeracheim! A wonderful family, wonderful boy, wonderful Rebbe… the nicest people you could ever know. Baruch Dayan Haemes.

  2. It’s pretty clear Hashem is trying to send us a message in Baltimore. Our community lost 3 young people in such a short time. Daniel Lansky A”H, Lonnie Borck A”H, and Moshe Moskowitz A”H. Come on people. Do you not see something happening?!?! Take a moment to just think about life and if you would be happy with the answers that you would have to answer to Hashem tomorrow.

  3. Bde such a wonderful family if the family needs meals or anything can someone please post or if anyone needs to be with the mother

  4. BDE. Every time there is such a tragedy, there is always someone who feels compelled to post that the “Ebeshter is sending us a message”, without ever articulating what that message is or how he or she is so certain they know hashem’s thinking. In this case the usual suspects are narrowing the target audience to the Baltimore tzibur but fail to convey the inyan of the message. Perhaps in these cases, we can simply express our massive sadness for the family, daven for a refuah shelamah for those injured but otherwise remain silent on messaging from Shamayim.

  5. What a tragedy! Hashem Yerachaym! The Moskowitz mishphacha is a family of gems. I’ve never seen such simchas ha’chaim in an entire family as there is in them.

    Hashem should give a refua shelaima bmehaira to Mrs. Moskowitz and a nechama to their family, the Baltimore Community and all of Klal Yisroel.

  6. Baruch Dayan Emes .The moskowitzs are a family of chesed and live with true simchas hachaim. May they be comforted and may hashem grant a refua shelaima to Mrs.moskowitz

  7. joey66(Comment6):
    You are 100% right.
    Yidden claim to be “Bnei Maaminim”.
    However,only HKB”H knows who really are true to the saying:
    “Lehaggid Baboker Chassdecha, VIEHMUNASCHA BALEILOS”
    The “Leilos”/ the dark times, when yidden are tested by HKB”H.
    “‘Every time there is such a tragedy, there is always someone who feels compelled to post that the “Ebeshter is sending us a message”, without ever articulating what that message is or how he or she is so certain they know Hashem’s thinking.'”
    Really,”Gadolhadorah”?- I assume you are FFB and attended yeshivas. Naturally,you deemed yourself worthy of that title. Sadly, your yeshiva tuition was a waste of money! If you don’t realize these young,beautiful nishamos are being taken as holy karbonos to atone for what we lack.
    BUT… Don’t worry. There is still time until “Zos Chanukah”!

  8. Was about to cry but reminded myself of a Chazal. I suggest we daven for mother and do something extra every week for Moishy.
    See Chazal :

    Gemara Shabat 151b last line.
    There are 6 kinds of tears;
    3 are good for the eyes and
    3 are bad for the eyes.

    Tears induced by;
    1) SMOKE,
    2) Crying over one’s SORROW or Misfortune,
    3) Stomach pains in the lavatory
    � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � are BAD for the eyes

    Tears caused by;
    1) medicine,
    2) laughter,
    3) pungent* produce�
    � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � are GOOD for the eyes

    That’s why Rabbi Chanina didn’t allow himself to cry when his daughter died. His wife said to him “how can you not cry? Is it nothing more than a chicken that you have taken out of your house”
    He said to her “of course I mourn her and of course I want to cry! But shall I suffer 2 misfortunes: loss of a child as well as blindness?

    * pungent aroma of mustard or onions(Rashi)

  9. #10 – please rethink. Hashem IS sending us a message with each tragedy – ignore it at your own peril. There are plenty of sources that explicitly state that when tragedy strikes we must examine our deeds – יפשפש במעשיו. Even when disasters occur to non-Jews on the other side of the globe, we are told that the message is for us. Again, you can choose to ignore, but there’s a price to pay. I remember being at the triple levaya of the Pincus family(Rav Shimshon zt”l, his Rebbetzin a”h and daughter a”h)on erev bedikas chometz and hearing a maspid (I believe it was Rav Brevda zt”l) say that they are korbanos tzibbur but if we don’t get the message and improve – each person knows his own weaknesses – then the heavy price paid for these korbanos will have been for naught. We owe it to the niftarim (and ourselves, I might add) to get the message. Of course we don’t know what Hashem’s thinking, but we do know that He expects each of us to dig inside and see where we need to improve. No urim vetumim to specify an aveira, no message delivered to you on a silver platter. Just personal avoda – introspection rather than pointing the blame at another. And yes – when one community has a few tragedies in succession, we are taught that there is an additional message for them – “Echad min hachabura meis, tid’ag kol hachabura.”
    Sharing the tza’ar, sending condolences to the family and tefillos for the mother are surely in place, but we should not remain silent about the need for cheshbon hanefesh.

  10. There are no proper words to express the devastation in Baltimore! Rabbi Moskowitz is a rebbe who takes every child in his heart as his he is their father. Tammy who needs is flood shamayim is a most beloved Morah. Moshe Z”l was a ball of sunshine. A product of his home. The love and simchas hachaim in the Moskowitz home is contagious and their sorrow is felt in everyone here.
    The air in think here there are no dry eyes..
    Thank you TA and chai lifeline for taking care of the boys in the yeshiva to process this tragedy.
    Hashem should give everyone koach and a refuah shlayma!!!! To Tammy so she can help her family heal as well.

    Hamakom yenachem eschem!!!!!
    Hashem please no more our city can’t take anymore!!!

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