Harry Reid: FBI Director’s Letter Cost Democrats The Election, Senate

reidSenate Minority Leader Harry Reid said Monday FBI Director James Comey was “heavily involved as a partisan” in the weeks leading up to the election and that Comey’s actions handed the presidency to Donald Trump.

The retiring Nevada Democrat said Democrats “would have won the majority in the Senate and would have won the presidency but for Comey.”

“It’s obvious he was a partisan in all this,” Reid told CNN’s Manu Raju in an interview. “There’s information out there. He had it, I’m confident. And he ignored it.”

He said Comey “significantly” helped make Trump the President-elect, faulting his failure to condemn Russian hacking of Democratic operatives and his handling of the investigation into Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s email server.


5 Responses

  1. So working class “deplorables” primarily concerned about their economic situation changed their vote, from voting Democratic because the Democrats would solve their problems like they had always done, because the head of the FBI said something nasty about Hillary competence using computers????

    We should be charitable, and dan le-kay zechus. Reid probably has some brain damage when he fell and hurt his head.

  2. Reid is correct that Comey is partisan. If he wasn’t he would have recommended a criminal indictment for Hillary. Reid has selective memory.

  3. Hey pirate,
    What was that that you made up about Romney that cost him the election? Too senile to remember, or too devious to want to?
    The difference is that Comey’s letter contained no lies. You, on the other hand, have great difficulty ever saying the truth.
    Suck it up, and let us finally enjoy your retirement.

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