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7 People Shot In Just Over One Hour In Brooklyn And Bronx

debIt was a violent night across New York City, as seven people were shot in just over an hour Sunday night in Brooklyn and the Bronx.

Just after 7 p.m., 41-year-old Jose Morales and another man were shot during an argument on the corner of East 175th Street and Weeks Avenue in Mount Hope, the Bronx.

Just before 7:30 p.m., a 21-year-old woman was shot in the leg as she stood at a bus stop on the corner of West Kingsbridge Road and University Avenue in Fordham Manor, the Bronx.

At around 6:20 p.m., four men were shot during a fight at a building on Knickerbocker Avenue, at Jefferson Street, in Brooklyn.

A 65-year-old man was shot in the buttocks and a 26-year-old man was shot in the leg. They went to Elmhurst Hospital.

A 32-year-old man was shot in the arm and taken to Kings County Hospital.

A 25-year-old man was shot in the leg and taken to Kings County Hospital. None of the injuries were life threatening.

There have been no arrests in any of the shootings.


7 Responses

  1. De Blasio just keep hiding the 500,000 illegal immigrants and make believe that NY will be safe while you’re hiding your head in the sand. Liberal nut!

  2. The reason that the Bronx Zoo has such a high wall, is to protect innocent animals within from precisely those “people” living all around it.

  3. Why doesn’t Obama come out with a statement demanding stricter gun laws in NYC? Why isn’t Obama condemning these senseless acts?
    Oh, it’s only minorities involved? No evil white bigoted racist gun-toting pro life homophobic Republicans? Oh, ok. Everything is cool.

    No arrests? Way to go NYPD. They must be very busy searching for hate crimes perpetrated against the poor downtrodden Muslim community.
    Please don’t place any blame on our Mayor, Bill DeBlasio. He is doing such a wonderful job. We must show hakaras hatov. And besides, Joe Lhota lacks personality.

  4. To MarccoH
    You know that there is a frum community a few blocks away from the Bronx Zoo. Also. It does say Brooklyn in the title. Brooklyn also has terrible people. How about the horrible slum lords. 2 innocent young girls just died because of a horrible slumlord.

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