Officials Agree To Include ‘Keil Molei Rachamim’ In Carmel Fire Memorial

1The annual memorial for the Carmel Forest fire of 2010 took place on Thursday, 8 Kislev. The ‘Keil Molei Rachamim’ was not included as part of the memorial this year, which in the past was recited by a police rav. The memorial is for the 44 people who R”L perished in the fire.

This year, organizers decided it was sufficient to recite a perek of Tehillim and make do, however, the chareidi website Ladaat turned to organizers and requested to keep Keil Molei in the program and the change was made and the Tehillim will be recited too.

The organizers are from the Israel Prison Authority and Ladaat decided to file a request to include the memorial tefilla and that request was met with a positive response.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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