Angela Merkel Calls For Ban On Burkas In Germany

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Angela Merkel has called for a burka ban after saying the full veil is not appropriate in Germany.

Merkel told her CDU party conference that wearing the burka should be outlawed ‘wherever that is legally possible’.

“The full-face veil is not acceptable in our country,” she told delegates in Essen, sparking rapturous applause. “It should be banned, wherever it is legally possible.”

Dutch politicians voted for a similar ban in the Netherlands recently, this covers education, public transportation and healthcare.

Previously, Merkel has been sceptical of calling for a ban on Islamic clothing, saying: ‘This is a question of finding the right political and legal balance.’


2 Responses

  1. woooowww!!! is she waking up together with the rest of europe?!?! I cant believe it… and France is leaning towards a populist party..and Italy just kicked out their P.M for what might come the 5 star

  2. Banning burkas, rather than the religion that mandates them, and the people adhering to it, is pretty much like treating symptoms, instead of the disease.
    The fever may go down a bit, yet the systemic blood poisoning of Erope persists and rapidly increases.
    The mindless liberals always feel that if we could only explain our values to “those people”, they would love us and live like us. Sure, go read some Schiller to your local refugee Abdullah, and watch him Germanize overnight. Sweet dreams, Mrs Merkel.

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