PHOTOS: BMG – Shivti Winter Yarchei Kallah – Unique Opportunity For Baalei Batim



Beth Medrash Govoha is a world-renowned makom Torah for thousands of bachurim and yungeleit who gather daily to bask in the warmth of Torah. As the premier institution of today, Beth Medrash Govoha has for the past several years created the same opportunity for the myriads of Baalei Batim who relish the thought of two complete days spent absorbed in intense, uninterrupted Torah learning. With this goal in mind, the Shivti program–a project of Beth Medrash Govoha -has redefined the common notion of a Yarchei Kallah, with a no-gimmick winter Yarchei Kallah, giving Klal Yisrael a genuine chance to reconnect to the “real thing” – the intensity of full-time learning for a precious two days.

This initiative enables participants to return to yeshiva-style learning with another purpose as well. The Yarchei Kallah learning is in areas of halacha which arise in many business situations, making it all the more relevant to scores of baalei batim. Therefore, the learning is enjoyable, appropriate and creates a real impact which can be utilized throughout the entire year. This year’s learning program will zero in on the highly important and relevant sugya of Work Responsibilities and Dispute Resolution. The sugya is vast and thought-provoking, and the shiurim will be delivered by world-renowned experts in this field. Booklets have been compiled and published in honor of this occasion, and will guide participants and their chavrusas as they delve into this most-intriguing sugya.

Those who have experienced the charged atmosphere of Shivti Yarchei Kallahs in the past are eagerly awaiting their annual recharge. There is also much interest from those who have not yet participated but are eager to join this inspiring retreat for the first time. Registration is open to all. Past years attendees included some father and son/son-in- law pairs who chose to use this time to bond with each other as they learn. In addition, we had the zechus of hosting numerous Rabbonim who joined their congregants for an invigorating two days of intense Torah study and camaraderie thus strengthening their unique bond at many levels.

This year’s Yarchei Kallah will take place from Motzei Shabbos, January 14 th to Monday, January 16 th in the beautiful Hyatt Regency of Princeton, NJ. The serene environment, conveniently located, yet set apart from the bustle of everyday living, creates a calm oasis which allows participants to truly disengage from their everyday worries and focus completely on utilizing every minute of learning to its maximum. Shivti will be providing the guests with all their material needs via comfortable lodgings and catered meals thereby ensuring that for the entire two days of the Yarchei Kallah the guests can completely immerse themselves in their learning without worrying about any of their mundane needs. Comprehensive program and details to follow.

Click Here for more details and to register

Interested parties can contact 732-367- 1060 Ext. 4215 or email [email protected].

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