Rabbi Stav Fires Back Following Harsh Criticism Against Tzohar Rabbonim By Hagaon HaRav Yitzchak Yosef

stavFollowing the verbal attack against Tzohar Rabbonim by Rishon L’Tzion Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef Shlita, Tzohar leader Rabbi David Stav fires back.

“Rav Yosef’s words are lies and nonsense. They are groundless. How does a rav cast aspersions on tens and hundreds of thousands of rabbonim?”

“Rav Stav added “I don’t know if the words [attributed to Rabbi Yosef] were said or not. I truly hope they were not said”.

When asked by a Srugim do you permit women to give a drasha on Friday night or recite sheva brachos?

Absolutely not. There is no basis for these statements. There are instructions specifically forbidding this and to the best of my knowledge, this does not occur. Hence, the words are baseless.

I see from the Tzohar response you remain Rav Yitzchak Yosef was never tested to receive semicha. Did his words upset you to this extent?

Not at all. However, a person who was never certified as a rav or a dayan but is appointed via his political connections and those of his father to become Chief Rabbi of Israel dares to cast aspersions on tens and hundreds of rabbonim certified by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and it is simply incredible.

Therefore, I say I can only hope he did not make these statements.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. So he is not sure if Rabbi Yosef said it and he hopes he did not but he called him a Liar per this article.mMMmmm
    I feel like there is a lot missing to these stories… Who knows what Rabbi Yosef really said and what Rabbi Stav really answered because by both these Rabbis statures I doubt either one was flinging insults and accusations so freely.

  2. I don’t get it! Why is Rav Stav lying about what he believes in? Rav Stav is on the staff of OTS, a school for girls that is training girls to become female Rabbis as is seen in this quote from their website.

    “The Susi Bradfield Women’s Institute of Halakhic Leadership (WIHL) at Midreshet Lindenbaum is the only modern Orthodox Israeli enterprise which is systematically training our most talented women for entry into the great halakhic conversation from which they have been largely excluded for the past 2,500 years.

    The program provides the most outstanding and committed female scholars with the opportunity to master an expansive curricula in Talmud and Halakha identical to that studied by men who are training for rabbinical ordination. Program fellows sit for the same examinations given to male rabbis-in-training, and program graduates are equal in knowledge and skill to their male rabbinical counterparts.

    Indeed, Jewish law directs the lives of Orthodox women no less than it directs the lives of Orthodox men. It is therefore imperative to train women leaders who are well-versed in the law and can thus influence the halachic decision-making process for all of modern Orthodox society – men as well as women.”

    Who’s going to hire these ladies after they graduate? Isn’t it obvious that Rav Stav’s Rabbinic organization Tzohar? Who else, if not them?

    …and just to prove that Rav Stav holds of OTS’s views about female Rabbis see this quote from their website:

    “From the beginning, I have dedicated my professional life to ensuring the accessibility of Judaism and the synthesis of Torah study and modern living,” says Rabbi Stav. “This is why I feel such a strong connection to the vision and values of Ohr Torah Stone.”

    and this…

    “Rabbi Stav’s values, worldview and goals match those of OTS…, says Rabbi Riskin.”

    Although I would still be in opposition to Rav Stav if he state the truth, at least I’d be able to respect him for his honesty!

    “Why oh why, can’t info be checked instead of harsh rhetoric!”

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