PHOTOS: 140 Chareidi Recruits Entered The IDF Today. 121 Assigned To Netzach Yehuda (Nachal Chareidi), 19 To Negev Defense

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16 Responses

  1. The Defense Ministry moving somehow in two directions at once

    1)a more religious part of the IDF

    2) a more ,egalitarian,feminist,pluralist, Part

    Somethings got to give…

  2. The pictures suggest many if not most on Religious Zionists (equivalent to Modern Orthodox in America), rather than Haredim. The units appear to be functioning as a place for Religious Zionists who aspire to a higher level of Yiddishkeit than is generally tolerated in the IDF, rather than Hareidim desiring to find a tolerable place to serve in the IDF. This suggests that mitsvos (desiring for a frummer unit among those for whom refusing miliary servce is not an option they consider), rather than economics (as is the case of hareidim) are motivating the units.

  3. Dangerous IDF Experiment’ on Female Soldiers Alleged

    Female soldiers (illustrative)

    The IDF’s mixed male-female combat units are causing permanent damage to many female Israeli soldiers, says Col. (res.) Raz Sagi, head of the Forum for a Strong IDF (FSIDF).

    “We interviewed dozens of young women, and we did not find a single one who didn’t complain of injuries suffered during military combat service which prevented her from living a normal life,” Sagi told Arutz Sheva. “Unfortunately, the IDF is conducting a dangerous experiment on these girls in the name of feminism.”

    Common injuries include hip stress fractures, ruptured discs and uterine prolapse, he said. “Combat service just shatters them,” he concluded.

    The IDF lowered the physical requirements for female soldiers to allow them to join combat units, “and still, twelve percent suffer injury, compared to zero percent of male soldiers,” he reported. Those injured include former female athletes, he added.

    Sagi has made similar claims in the past. He challenged the IDF to release its data, which he said will prove him right.

    “I demand that the IDF be required to reveal the percent of women who suffer life-long injuries, compared to male soldiers in combat roles. When it is published, there will be a public outcry and committees of inquiry,” he accused.

    Sagi took part in Knesset discussions in the Equal Share of the Burden Committee, which is weighing the issue of hareidi-religious army service.

    His goal, he said, is to keep the IDF strong and to make sure that combat ability remains the foremost goal. “I’m trying to protect the backbone of the IDF from bizarre decisions that have nothing to do with state security,” he explained.

    “The idea that men and women should be equal when it comes to military service is an absurdity that has been disproven in every army on earth,” Sagi continued. “It’s evolution, there’s no way to change it.”

  4. Kol hakovod to these bnai torah for making the commitment to share the burdens of protecting their families and all of their brothers and sisters in EY. Hopefully, the IDF will act with wisdom and common sense and provide the flexibility and accommodations to their rules so that these new chayalim are not put into situations where they must choose between military discipline and halacha. Its possible to find a middle ground but that takes work and a willingness to use judgment on both sides. They should have much hatzlacha and be safe.

  5. when will the Zionists draft Israeli Arabs? the Zionists only goal is to make these fine young men into secular atheists, the Torah protects us not Yaalon or Eizenkot- 2 anti-Torah atheists.

  6. May hashem protect them from the physical dangers and the fast more prevalent and insidious spiritual dangers of serving in the IDF.

  7. #2 and 6 are right. They are not Chareidi. The IDF calls it Chereidi hoping to attract real Chareidim.

    IDF’s goal-# 5 is correct. To make then all irreligious.

    Answer to # 4 – It is the zechus of Torah learning that protects their families and all the Jews in EY. May we all be safe.

  8. #5 Karlbenmarx: The Israeli govt. would love to outlaw voting by citizens who don’t do army service, i.e., most of the Chareidim. They can’t because that would cancel the Israeli Arabs’ right to vote. The minute they persuade at least most of the Israeli Arabs to do army service, the zionist atheists will pass a new law that will strip the right to vote from whoever does not do army or alternative service. The Israeli Arabs not serving helps guarantee that the govt. cannot pass any such laws.

  9. My son is in this unit (and in the picture). The Israeli army has no agenda to convince frum Jews to lower their mitzva observance while serving in the army. The govt is providing a frum environment (Mehadrin food, males only, etc.) for those who choose to serve in this unit.

    This unit has been around for over 30 years and the environment is according to halacha. The food is mehadrin, the uniform includes yarmulkes & tzitzis, there are minyanim and learning every day. Before training begins there are several months in a yeshiva where halachos of warfare are also taught.

    The boys themselves range in background. Some are very frum and some come from more modern homes but choose to belong to this frum unit. The unit has internal rules that boys must sign such as no nivel peh, to ensure that the standards are upheld.

    Whether you choose to guard E”Y through learning Torah or serving in the IDF, daven that all Yidden should be safe.

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