Women Of The Wall Allege Abuse And Humiliation During Searches

1Women of the Wall (WoW) were at the Kosel on Thursday morning Rosh Chodesh Kislev as they are every rosh chodesh. This time, some of the women accused officials of conducting improper body searches. The believe this was the work of Kosel rav Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz as part of his ongoing efforts to keep them away.

Wow explains a checkpoint position was set in place at the southern entrance to permit checking the women as they arrived. They report they were humiliated by the actions of security personnel. They fail to mention that last month they snuck a Sefer Torah into the ezras noshim under their garments and the security agents were told to make certain Rosh Chodesh Kislev does not bring a repeat of Cheshvan.

The women add they remain determined and no matter what authorities do to them, they will not be discouraged from their monthly visit to the Kosel. Kosel Heritage Foundation officials explain necessary measures were set into place to prevent a repeat of last month’s actions by the women.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. It’s nothing to the abuse and humiliation we women feel from the continued monthly abuse of tiny group of anti-Israel women who feel they have a right to publically violate Jewish law and tradition at the sacred Kotel as well as to provoke those who are at the Kotel for serious prayer.SHAME ON YOU WOW!

  2. Why doesn’t some one hire a goy to film these ‘pious’ women desecrating the shabbat and put an end to their phoney ploy of piousness?

  3. Sorry Arye when you think it is ok to violate a woman even in the slightest way you are no longer deserving of being acres tire of Hashem let alone being a yid

  4. #4: “Violate”??? The searches were conducted by women guards and were more than justified given WoW’s past history of violating the law, desecrating a holy place and disturbing the mispallelim.

    Get a dictionary and look up “violate”. Or maybe get a therapist.

  5. They should certainly not be humiliated but if they have in the past smuggled sifrei Torah into the Kossel area in breach of halacha and civil law, there is every reason why they should be subjected to a very thorough body search, including if warranted being asked to remove their clothing. This may be humiliating but it would not be deliberate humiliation. However they only have themselves to blame because of their past conduct.

  6. Perhaps if the government would move forward expeditiously with the agreement for a space in the plaza that could be used by WOW or any other group, there would be few of these confrontations. Netanyahu and the coalition agreed to these arrangements and now is looking for excuses to get out of their commitments. The WOW includes some who are publicity seekers and will try to violate the rules no matter what but others are simply trying to practice their misguided hashkofah and the actions described in the article are inappropriate. Would Rabinowitz want his own wife or daughter treated subject to invasive body searches for a hidden sefer torah? Most likely not.

  7. Gadolhatorah, THERE IS ALREADY a place they can go to, the Acuzat Israel plaza that Bennett spent millions of Israeli taxpayers shekels on and isn’t being used!It’s plenty big enough for the few mushugaim that come.But they refuse to use it because they want to be where they can provoke the serious daveners.Read Anat Hoffman’s words, this really isn’t about religious freedom(which is what they sell to the naive Americans) it’s about Anat’s far leftist anti-israel and anti-religious agenda to destroy Torah Judaism and Israel.

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