Photo Essay: Dinner For Kollel Shomrei Hachomos In Boro Park (Photos by JDN)


5 Responses

  1. As the “Shomrei HaChomos” — Neturei Karta / Satmar — PUBLICLY support our worst enemies (PLO, Palestinians, etc.), I give my Tzedakah money to other Jewish institutions, not them.

  2. American Jew, You are doing the same thing anti-Semites (and racists in general) have been doing for thousands of years.
    Namely, you lump together groups that have little connection with each other.
    That’s like somebody accusing you of being a communist, because there were Jewish communists here and abroad.

    I wonder if your statement is a product of ignorance, laziness and/or foolishness?

    Still don’t know what I’m referring to?
    OK. Allow me to clue you in:
    Satmar does not support PLO/Palestinians.
    (As a matter of fact, The Satmar Rebbe Z”L was opposed to much of what the N.K. stand for.)

    Have a Gutteh Chodesh.

  3. American Jew,
    I read the link you provided.

    The following lines are evidence that you are incorrect:

    “While providing support for the otherwise unrelated Neturei Karta, Satmar has not always condoned its actions. [Rabbi] Joel denounced them in 1967 when they cooperated with Arabs, and in 2006, the Rabbinic court of Zalman Leib’s groups placed an anathema upon those who visited the International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust.”

    I guess your original statement was based mostly on innocent (albeit irresponsible) ignorance.

  4. Conflating toldos aharon, toldos Avrohom Yitzchok, satmar, NK or Weiss’ radical branch of NK shows a willful ignorance of the anti-Zionist spectrum of yiddishkeit.

    Weiss’ bunch of little thugs are beyond the pale. The rest have their roots in well established hashkafah and mesorah.

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