Jewish Teen’s Birthday Ruined As Friends Make Swastika Cupcakes

sAn Arizona mother said she hopes cruel birthday cupcakes given to her teenage daughter will become a “teachable moment” about the horrors of the Holocaust.

Deborah Muller, of Paradise Valley, said her daughter’s 14th birthday party this month included cupcakes that guests were allowed to frost. Two girls, who Muller said are friends of her daughter, decorated cupcakes with chocolate swastikas, even though the birthday girl is Jewish, according to KPNX-TV.

Muller said in a now-deleted Facebook post that the girls told her they did it to “be funny.” She said the teens all recently learned about the Holocaust in school, and were aware of the symbol’s meaning.

The girls uploaded photos of the swastika cupcake to Snapchat, according to Phoenix New Times.

“It’s not a hate crime,” Muller told the paper. She added she was nevertheless furious.


6 Responses

  1. “It was funny”
    Would it similarly be funny if they decorated cupcakes with an ISIS figure cutting off the head of an American they tortured?
    Would they, with that analogy, connect some dots! Our education system is dead! Too busy with Mrs. Obama’s Common Core – not Common Decency!

  2. Of course her Mom is furious. I would be too. However, with whom is she furious? I would be furious with #1, the school. They’re obviously not teaching about the Holocaust properly. If a student can associate “funny” with a swastika, there is something missing from the educational program. “Hate” is a part of humanity. It should be reserved for evil. Students should not be studying anti-semitism, they should be taught to hate anti-semitism. It is not enough to engage their minds, their emotions need to be brought into the equation, since it is emotions that will form a large part in their decision-making.

    Secondly, the Mom should be furious with herself. In a public school she will just learn to differentiate between a good gentile and a not-good gentile. This might result in the girl marrying out with a “good” gentile. This will just be a continuation of the Holocaust. If she really wants to take a message from the Holocaust, she should enroll her daughter in a Jewish school, where they will teach her not just about the Holocaust, but about what a Jew is and what a Jew should be.

  3. When your Judaism is based on some foolish symbolisms what do u xpect u live like a got but r despised as a Jew u have no one to blame but yourself

  4. The new generations are hopelessly spoiled, in many ways.
    All schools should require students to do community work, whether in nursing homes, hospitals, schools, cleaning the streets etc.
    Less time for cell phones.

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