Profound Marketing Interviews Devorah Wahl Of Parnassah Network


Profound Marketing: I hear you have yet another seminar coming up next week. Tell me a little about it.

Devorah Wahl: Yes, that’s right. On Tues, Nov 29, we are having a seminar called “Launch Your Business” at the Clarion Hotel in Toms River. We have been running Parnassah seminars there quite often and Baruch Hashem the feedback has been tremendous with several of them sold out. The seminars are a full-day packed program training individuals in the community in various Parnassah related topics.

Profound Marketing: That sounds fantastic. As we are involved with a lot of small businesses owners and start-ups, the topic “Launch Your Business” is particularly intriguing. Why did you choose to do this topic now?

Devorah Wahl: It’s very simple. There are many businesses that never really get off the ground, simply because people don’t know where to start and how to do it.

I have had many ideas myself, over the years, admittedly some better than others, but I didn’t know the nuts and bolts of starting a business and never had the push to make it happen. I wish I would have had a seminar like this when it was pertinent to me!

Profound Marketing: Has Parnassah Network ever run this particular seminar before or is it the first on this topic?

Devorah Wahl: We began our seminar venture with this particular seminar in the summer of 2014, after we received many requests from all over for business guidance. Attendees were so thankful and really came out with a clear head of what is needed to run a business. We ran another one in 2015 but have not had the chance yet for another, as we moved on to other topics. We received multiple requests for business startup help throughout the year and have been planning to schedule another business launching seminar. Well, here we are happy to offer it once again to the community.

Profound Marketing: Who should attend the “Launch Your Business” Seminar?

Devorah Wahl: The seminar is for anyone that would like to start a business. Men, women (separate seating, of course), young, old, chasidish, litvish, balabatish, other affiliation, rich, poor, tall, short, we don’t discriminate.  Whether you have an idea that you don’t know how to develop or make happen or you want to start a business and just don’t know what to do or how to do it legally, this seminar will offer tremendous guidance and resources in helping you get your business launched properly.

In addition, this seminar is also a perfect tool for newly started businesses that need guidance and not sure if they are doing it right (or are sure they doing it wrong)!

Profound Marketing: What are some of the benefits attendees can gain, in your opinion?

Devorah Wahl: That’s a good question. I would venture to say that attendees will gain relevant information that will literally help them get their business off the ground to a good start! The information taught at our seminars is worth thousands of dollars in business consulting and training yet we offer it at the lowest possible cost to make it attainable for the community. There is real value in these seminars.

Profound Marketing: Who will the presenters be? Are they themselves experienced business owners?

Devorah Wahl: All our presenters are professionals and experienced in the fields they train in. For this seminar, we have Noach Burton, Partner at Schwartz and Burton LLP experienced in Business Law. We also have Seth Farbman, Chairman of VCorp Services and co- founder of several other successful businesses. In addition, we have Dave Rosen, General Manager of Four Corners Bagel & Café and former director of operation at Starbucks.

We also have some exciting news that we haven’t shared yet. We have a special guest that will be joining us all the way from Israel, Nachum Kligman, Author of the newly released book, “The Frum Entrepreneur” and a talented business consultant specializing in startups. We are excited to have him on board and it’s a great opportunity for attendees to be able to meet him in person while he is here.

Profound Marketing: Wow! We know Nachum and indeed that is a real treat to have him on board. I’m sure the attendees will come out knowing their stuff. What about the people that (think they) know everything already? Would they benefit from attending?

Devorah Wahl: Listen, I can’t tell you if those people will learn anything brand new or not but what I can tell you is that all too often, people think they know everything until they realize how deep they are entangled in one big mistake or another. Like I say with our Amazon seminars, many things people can do on their own if they try, which is phenomenal, but so many painful mistakes could be avoided if people attend the education opportunities available to them and learn how to do it right the first time.

Profound Marketing: So, every person that attends this seminar will come out ready to run their business and start making serious money?

Devorah Wahl: Well, I can’t promise who will be successful and who won’t. I will leave that for G-d. But what I will tell you is that they will be able to begin their launching process after this seminar. Money isn’t free and it isn’t instant. They will learn at this seminar how to figure out what steps they need to take next and will be able to have contact with the presenters if they need some help with bumps in the road. As I said the presenters are very knowledgeable and have success in the business world. They know their stuff and are there to help you know yours. You can take what you learn from them and nurture it and water it and pray for it and with Hashem’s help you will be able to see the success of your labor.

Profound Marketing: Thanks for the inspiration. One more question if that’s OK. I know you have had people come in from all over to attend the seminars in the past. But is there a more practical solution for attending the seminar if you live out of the tristate area?

Devorah Wahl: Oh, I am glad you asked. We recently started a livestreaming webinar option for attendees to join the seminars from out of town. It’s been amazing and while it’s a lot of hard work on our end (due to various technical reasons) we know that there are so many people outside of NJ and NY that can benefit from the seminars as well, so we are happy to now offer this option for them.

Profound Marketing: Kol Hakavod! Is there anything else you want to share about the seminars or Parnassah Network in general?

Devorah Wahl: I did want to add that on-site attendees are treated to a delicious breakfast and lunch alongside the seminar. Also, it is important to register in advance so please don’t wait until last minute. You can register by visiting If anyone would like to join from out of town they can email [email protected] for webinar details.

And yes, there is something else I want to add, I hope Duvi Honig doesn’t mind, but I think it’s important for people to know. People have a misunderstanding and assume that we are a fully funded organization with money constantly flowing in and it is amazing how some people are upset that we charge for our programs. I would like people to know that we are a fully functional office constantly working behind the scenes to provide help and programs to the community in Parnassah and we have to get by with random donations here and there to keep the bills paid. The money we charge doesn’t even come close to covering our expenses but Rabbi Honig is passionate about keeping up his mission because the klal needs it.

Not only does he not receive a paycheck from the organization but he personally has been filling in the financial gaps where we are stuck. But he can’t do it alone and we need to not only get more sponsors and donors, we need the understanding of the community that not only are we offering services and networking programs at a fraction of what it should cost them, but we also need whoever can support our initiatives to step on board so that we can continue to be there for the klal and cover our basic day to day expenses to run our office staff and programs.

Profound Marketing: That’s remarkable. Thank you for sharing. I sure hope people will now realize what a special opportunity this is for them.

Devorah Wahl: One more thing, I suggest that everyone sign up as soon as possible for the seminars at but if this seminar is not something that pertains to the reader of this, they shouldn’t just toss it aside as they can join in the Chesed and be part of the initiative by simply sharing our seminars and programs with their friends and family that may also be able to benefit. Thank you, this was a great opportunity and a great shout out to Profound Marketing for always being on the “mark” for all marketing needs!

Profound Marketing: Thank YOU for all that you do, especially behind the scenes. It’s a thankless job, but one that is making a difference in the lives of countless families in our community and beyond.

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