Trump Changes His Tune on Climate Change, Jailing Clinton

trPresident-elect Donald Trump changed his tune on several topics — among them climate change and prosecuting Hillary Clinton — in statements Tuesday to The New York Times and on Twitter. What he’s said in the past and what he’s saying now:


Then: “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.” — 2012 tweet. “Global warming is an expensive hoax!” — January 2014 tweet.

Now: “I think there is some connectivity. Some, something. It depends on how much.” — On the link between human activity and climate change. “I’m looking at it very closely. I have an open mind to it.” — On whether he will withdraw from climate change accords.


Then: “If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there has never been so many lies, so much deception.” — Oct. 9 debate.

Now: “It’s just not something that I feel very strongly about. … I think it would be very, very divisive for the country.” — On pursuing criminal charges against the Clintons.


Then: Citing anecdotes about violent behavior in Carson’s memoir, Trump compares him to a child molester. “It’s in the book that he’s got a pathological temper. … That’s a big problem because you don’t cure that … as an example: child molesting. You don’t cure these people.” — Nov. 12, 2015, CNN interview.

Now: “I am seriously considering Dr. Ben Carson as the head of HUD. I’ve gotten to know him well — he’s a greatly talented person who loves people!” — Nov. 22 tweet.


Then: “He will go down as one of the worst presidents in the history of our country.” — July 27 interview with NBC.

Now: Recalling their Oval Office meeting, “I really liked him a lot.”


Then: “We ought to open up the libel laws, and I’m going to do that.” — Feb. 27 interview on Fox News.

Now: Says someone told him, “You know, you might be sued a lot more.” ”I said, ‘You know, I hadn’t thought of that.'”


Then: “No paper is more corrupt than the failing New York Times. The good news is it is failing, it won’t be around too much longer. But they are really, really bad people.” — Oct. 14 rally.

Now: “I have great respect for the New York Times. I have tremendous respect.” But he adds: “I think I’ve been treated very rough.”


12 Responses

  1. A politician’s promise is like a chasidishe maaseleh
    If you believe them all, you are a fool, but if you don’t trust anything, you are a cynic.

  2. And now talk about Clintons and Obamas behavior . Obama said he will move to Canada if Trump wins and now he says he is leaving the White House in good hands . He never stopped accusing him and now he changed his mind Obama is a big two face you can go on and on… wins

  3. #1 If you believe MSMPL Fake News CNN, AP, NY Times, Fox, etc. you’re a fool. Haven’t you learned anything from their daily distorted election polls yet?

    FYI according to REAL NEWS, Trump said he will NOT take investigations of the Clintons off the table.

    According to REAL NEWS, Trump is still refusing to acknowledge that global warming is anything more than a dangerous hoax.

    And Trump regarding Carson is more bogus stuff from CNN Fake New.

    When will American ostriches wake up?

  4. Arye, all those tweets and videos of Trump attacking Carson are fake? Wow, that’s some conspiracy the liberal media have cooked up!

  5. 1. Not prosecuting Clinton makes sense. At this point she is an old lady or retirement age who has clearly failed in her life’s work. She is irrelevant. Prosecuting her would seem like Trump was a “sore winner”. Hillary is best ignored, and is very ignorable.

    2. Climate change is trickier, but most “skeptics” agree that climate is warming, but question how much of this is actually natural, as well as questioning whether it is all that bad. Trump needs to eliminate any environment policies that cripple industry in order to improve conditions for what is now his “base”.

  6. #5 Since we are all aware of the distortion of the truth in the liberal media, it’s quite a feat to sift through it to find a bit of truth.

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