Rosh Ha’ayin Residents Respond To Muezzin with ‘Shema Yisrael’

1The Muezzin Bill has been approved by the Ministerial Law Committee but in its current language, it is unlikely to be passed in its first reading in Knesset. This is why the bill was pulled from last Wednesday’s Knesset agenda.

The chareidi and Arab Bloc have partnered to object to the bill. For the chareidim, it appears they may be willing to back it if the text is amended. In the present form they fear the bill is too general and will lead to prohibiting the erev Shabbos an Yomtov sirens heard in so many areas of Israel. For the Arab MKs, they are opposed to the bill, which they insist tramples basic religious freedom. MK Hanin Zoabi, who never misses an opportunity to display her anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism, declaring the bill anti-religious, adding “If they do not like the sound of the mosques let them return to Europe where they belong”.

Rosh Ha’ayin resident Yonatan Aviad explains he and his neighbors have been suffering from the wailing of the Kfar Kassam mosques for too long and they are now responding with “Shema Yisrael” to give Muslim neighbors a taste of their own medicine.

Speaking with MyNet, Aviad explains he has been complaining to authorities for years, yet nothing is done. Aviad, a father of six is a veteran resident of the area. He is quoted explaining the wailing is “Day and night, every day. It has become unbearable. My children awaken and they cannot fall back asleep at 4:00AM. We are not permitted to sleep in peace. The muezzin wails loudly and there is no escaping it”.

Resident Yossi live in the Givat HaSela’im area and he explains they all suffer the same fate regarding the mosques. However, he and colleagues have set up speakers to permit the Muslim neighbors to hear their tefilos as he and they are compelled to hear the call to prayer from the mosques. “We are giving it back to them now” he explains.

Kfar Kassam City Hall, an Israeli Arab Municipality, is uninterested in accommodating residents who are complaining of the mosques disturbing the peace. Officials explain it is a religious tradition and they are not about to change it. Officials add that when the community was 200-300 residents they did not require the speakers but today there is no alternative.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Zionflag,
    That isn’t true. The Arabic tradition of ידו בכל is thousands of years old, predating both Islam and any sort of political entity.
    It is their national trait to be a perpetual pest to humanity.

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