Litzman: ‘Shoko And Lachmaniya Are Garbage’

1Health Minister Yaakov Litzman has been on a campaign to introduce healthier foods into the lives of Israelis and he has now targeted an old favorite breakfast of many, especially soldiers. Litzman has come out against ‘shoko and lachmaniya’, referring to the small bags of chocolate milk often consumed with a long basic subsidized roll.

The Health Minister is working to prevent having shoko and lachmaniya at any official functions, and is working with the Ministry of Education to remove the items from schools and state-run summer camps, calling them “garbage”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. What are the poorer parents to do when that is the most economical meal? It’s hardly ever given to children more than once a day.

  2. What is “garbage” is that Israel is still based on a socialized system.

    Lower taxes, and let people keep their money. Let people start businesses, spending their money as they choose. That is how you build an economy.

  3. it may be garbage but Shoko And Lachmaniya are what most kids take to school since it is liked, simple and not expensive.

    Alternative: have the school provide whole wheat rolls and white milk, but see how few kids eat it….

  4. It’s most likely what you get when you feed a Hebrew phrase into Google Translate….
    It’s a plain white bread roll, whose price is govt. subsidized.

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