Survey; Most Chareidim Are Satisfied With Their HMO (Kupat Cholim)

4A poll taken ahead of the upcoming Hamodia Economics and Business Conference shows most chareidim are satisfied with their healthcare – Kupat Cholim (HMO).

According to the survey’s findings, members of Maccabi and Meuchedet HMOs are more satisfied with their plan that the other plans available. 82% of respondents have the additional coverage over the basic plan, at an additional expense. The poll was conducted by the chareidi ‘Seker K’halacha’ Institute.

The survey includes 425 respondents who are members of the chareidi community in Israel. The margin of error is +/- 4.5%. The survey was conducted in over forty locations according to stratified sampling of the various chareidi communities.

· 68% of respondents stated they are very satisfied with their healthcare.

· 25% are only moderately satisfied with their healthcare.

· 7% are dissatisfied with their healthcare, adding there are not enough doctors and there is too much bureaucracy.

· 82% of respondents have additional coverage in addition to the basic plan.

The kupot cholim (HMOs) have been battling one another for years to increase the number of chareidim they have subscribed for they are rewarded in direct proportion to the number of people insured. The chareidi sector has many large families with many children who require less healthcare service. This makes most chareidim attractive policyholders.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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