FJCC Hosts New Brooklyn DA Eric Gonzalez


The Flatbush Jewish Community Coalition recently hosted a meeting with Acting Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez in Flatbush, at the home of FJCC Chairman Josh Mehlman.

The meeting was an opportunity to meet the newly appointed DA and discuss a broad range of issues effecting the community. FJCC representatives were joined by leaders of major Jewish communal organizations including, Mr. Malcolm Hoenlein Vice chairman, Presidents Conference and Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, executive Vice President, Agudath Israel of America.

The Kings County District Attorney is the chief law enforcement officer in the borough that is home to the largest Jewish population in the United States. Mr. Gonzalez who served in nearly every division and capcity in the Kings ‎County DA, was chief assistant to the late DA Ken Thompson who passed away in October. He was appointed by Governor Andrew Cuomo to fill the remainder of the DA’s term. Mr. Gonzalez, no stranger to the community, has been working with the FJCC on many isssues during the past three years. Bureau Chief David Klestzick also attended the meeting.

Topics discussed at the over three hour meeting ranged from safety and security, religous liberty and accommodations as well as terror threats, bias crimes, quality of life issues and other vital concerns faced by residents of Brooklyn.

Leaders and activists from Flatbush Shomrim, Flatbush Hatzoloh, COJO of Flatbush, Agudath Israel, Sephardic Bikur Cholim, Chasdei Lev, together with local NYPD laisons and representatives from multiple Community Board’s actively participated in this inaugural meeting.

The District Attorney shared his vision for justice and fairness in Brooklyn and pledged to work closely with the FJCC leadership and communal leaders in pursuit of shared goals.‎ This was a first of many planned conversations with new District Attorney.

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(YWN Desk – NYC)

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