FYI: Elections Are Not Over Yet! You Can Still Take Part In The New Revolution


The NEW revolution is here and while the presidential elections are over; you can still vote for something great. Hop onto the bandwagon and VOTE to join our huge subscriber base. In the last month, FYI Magazine received a record breaking amount of new subscribers. It’s been garnering attention of women nationwide and beyond! It’s an oh-so- refreshing monthly magazine and you don’t want to miss even a single month. Find it in your local supermarket, grab one and you’ll be hooked, that’s a guarantee! The response to FYI Magazine has been amazing; everybody just loves it.

We don’t want you to miss out! We are therefore offering up to 20% off our already low subscription rate, exclusively for YWN readers. (Details below.)

FYI Magazine has proven itself in being a truly upscale Jewish Women’s Home and Lifestyle Magazine, and is quickly becoming a household name. Every issue of FYI is packed with valuable information and advice from leading Jewish experts and professionals on a variety of topics like health, nutrition, beauty, fashion, home-decor, family, career, and more!


But I am not done yet… FYI Magazine also has recently introduced a new children’s magazine called myFYI! It is part of the packet and your kids will just love it. It’s engaging, interesting and, of course, full of fun!

Here are what people are saying about FYI Magazine:

“I subscribed a few months ago and I’m a huge fan! So refreshing and light!”

“I picked one up at my grocery Yom Tov time and I found it to be very different than the other typical magazines out there. Everything is written in a positive light and in a useful way, no sob stories, with people in dire straits. Definitely becoming a fan, I told my husband that this was the first time I read a magazine cover to cover and didn’t end up feeling sorry for anyone.”

“My wife loves this magazine. She says it’s a nice change from the usual magazines she pursues on Shabbos.”

“Keep it up with loads of Hatzlacha, we want to see more!”

“Love your new magazine! Been buying all the copies & enjoy them all! Thank you! Keep the great issues coming!”

With humble beginnings and a big vision, FYI Magazine started out as a small local magazine and very soon garnered the attention of women nationwide. Following the demand, FYI quickly grew into a nationwide magazine with over 30,000 readers, with growing numbers every month.

Why wait? Get your subscription today!

Here’s how:

1 Year Subscription, 10% OFF : Use Code YWN20161

2 Year Subscription, 20% OFF: Use Code YWN20162

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