Thousands of Anti-Trump Protesters Demonstrate In Manhattan And Chicago

20161109_194754Two large groups of demonstrators gathered in Union Square and Columbus Circle Wednesday evening to protest the outcome of the presidential election.

It got underway around 6 p.m. on the north side of Union Square bordered by 17th Street.

Thousands of protesters showed up to take part.

The crowd chanted relentlessly, and is very angry at the outcome of the election Tuesday night.

All different kinds of groups and organizations came together after a call on social media.

At 7:45PM, the group was approaching Trump Tower.

Meanwhile, hundreds of angry protesters blocked the entrance to Trump Tower in Chicago and its lower-level parking garage Wednesday evening.

“No Trump, No KKK, No Fascists USA” and “Not my president!” were among chants shouted by the crowd.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

11 Responses

  1. Tough! This is a democracy and the people have spoken! So Trump trumped Hilary ROTTEN Clinton,and if you don’t like it, that’s just too bad.

  2. I am absolutely convinced that neithet Hillary, the media, nor the usual rabble rousers have anything to do with this riot.
    As Hillary herself would say – it is a spontaneous expression of feelings provoked by some cartoon, just as she remembers happening in Lybia

  3. Protesting the outcome of a fair and democratic election is a statement that you are against democracy. Asserting that only you and your opinion can rule is Fascism and could even be considered insurrection against the the US Constitution and Government.

  4. look it is completely reasonable and fair. they don’t like the results. the don’t understand the process. they’re a few bits short on the rules.

    they are just doing what comes natural… chaos… just like the Right (vast wing conspiracy) did each time that Obama won.

    oh, wait.

    no, they are all just the product of Community Organizers.

  5. It could be worse. After the 1860 election (won by a third party with minimal government experience), the losers raised an army and started a civil war.

  6. Those who don’t want Trump as their president can leave the country. What’s the problem? Who’s keeping them back?

    I think Hillary should gather them all to her friends in Saudi Arabia and be their President there. She has enough money to transport them all. This will kill 2 birds in shot. Hillary will be taken care of and so will her constituents. Grand idea!

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