Deputy Minister Ben-Dahan Calls On Police To Do More Against Those Who Attack Chareidi Soldiers

1Deputy Defense Minister (Bayit Yehudi) Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan calls on police and other agencies to do more to halt attacks directed at chareidi soldiers.

Ben-Dahan sent a letter to Police Commissioner Roni Alsheich in which he addresses the attacks against so-called ‘chardakim’, stating police are not doing enough to protect these soldiers.

Ben-Dahan explains that the committee, which received complaints from chareidi soldiers during the past two years has determined the police response is insufficient.

Ben-Dahan continues “Chareidi soldiers are not ducks in a shooting gallery as the incitement against chareidim enlisting into the IDF continues. For the past months police have not acted sufficiently to bring an end to the hostility and has failed to take the initiative to end the attacks despite repeated requests to do so. The incitement has escalated in recent months and there is a genuine fear it may lead to bloodshed against the soldiers”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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