Opinion: Here’s Why Donald Trump Will Win By A Landslide!

trIn just a few hours we will know who our next president will be. I believe it will be Donald Trump. Not only will he win, he will win big. He will carry Democratic counties, parishes, entire cities and states. Some of which will have NEVER ever been won by a republican.

Here’s why. There is something about Donald Trump that is alluring (think Kavorka) and attractive to almost everyone! Most people wish they could say what they want to anyone, without the fear of consequences. Your neighbor who plays loud music at night, your boss who keeps you late without overtime, your coworker who is lazy, the driver of the car in front of you who might be reading this article right now! It doesn’t just apply to being confrontational. We all know how bad it can get when responding to something benign as: “Do I look good in this dress”? or “Tell me what you really think about me, and I promise I won’t be upset”.

You see, most of us have impulse control that prevents us from really telling others how we feel about them. If we did, where would we stop before going too far? How much would too far be? So, the average person has a built in protection that suppresses our innate want to tell someone just how we feel about them. This saves us from awkward, embarrassing, confrontational and even violent outcomes. It helps us survive another day.

Not so, with the Donald. He says what he wants, when he wants to whomever he wants. Pundits have opined that he is lacking substance, clear thinking, coherent policy etc. But that doesn’t matter, because he’s not trying to get your vote based on his policies. Rather, he is appealing to the frustrated American wherever he or she may be, who is unable to speak their mind, because they are aware of consequences and are afraid of them . Trump is unafraid and this is what really turns people on, whether they realize it or not. It allows them to look past all of the flaws.

Please join me in acknowledging to yourself that while you may dislike Donald Trump, deep down, you wish you could tell people what you really thought of them and where they can go. You wish you could shoot from the hip, without worrying about the consequences. But you wont. Instead, you will vote for the Donald because you are living vicariously through him.

By CJ Ross

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. I also want Donald Trump to win this election. Our country needs a big change and Clinton says she will follow Obama. That would be very, very bad for the US and for Israel and actually for all democracies in the world.
    He has changed the world order. Everything is upside down. CLinton is the same. She does what is good for her. She has an insatiable thirst for power and money. And no one wants Bill Clinto lurking around in the White House again. He is so awful.
    Get out and vote for Trump.

  2. The above is a load of nonsense! You do not elect someone to lead your country who cannot speak or think coherantly! You may as well vote in a six year old child. Having said that I still cringe at the thought of either of them getting in.
    To end off: Trump and Clinton were on a boat that sank. Who was saved?………………… Answer: America!

  3. The title and the article don’t click. While you make a strong point for why you think Donald Trump would be a better choice for president, you don’t explain why you think he will win in a landslide! The polls etc all show a Clinton win so explain why you think he will end up winning despite all the polls indicating otherwise?
    This article posted earlier today on YWN, I think is a more accurate article on what we should expect to actually happen (NOT what you want to happen!) http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/headlines-breaking-stories/483432/opinion-whats-expected-to-happen-tonight.html

  4. Of course Trump will be elected in a landslide if the election would be honest, trustworthy and reliable.

    However, there are 3 major problems for him to be SELECTED:

    1) George Soros’ funding to manipulate (rigging) the 2016 Election results which can be done in an instant after all the votes are in as an expert computer programmer explained. (WikiLeaks, see my post earlier in other reports.)

    2) The judges deciding who’s the winner. Now which judge would want to be next on Hillary’s Body Count? Seriously! James Comey, FBI Director, who exonerated Hillary has proven this point.

    3) WikiLeaks divulging: “Trump will not be allowed to win”.

  5. I think everyone shud vote for TRUMP! It’s crazy wants goin on! U rather hav someone thts immature then someone tht has shown us numerous times tht she is corrupt in politics! I think it’s crazy what’s happening. Thrs legit no law in america! She cud do wtvr she wants and nothing happens.
    We r living in a corrupt country!

  6. #9 If according to the non-bribed polls Trump is winning in a landslide, obviously Hillary, the Devil, will be the most hated president ever.

    Read the latest WikiLeaks and see the truth about the polls.

  7. Trump is a loser. Losers generally lose therefore he will lose. America will be free this egotistical maniac with the intellectual capabilities of a 5 year old child. The deplorables will recognize that America is not a bunch of racist white men and Hillary Clinton will make a wonderful President.

  8. I try to be polite most of the time, not out of fear but because that’s what Hashem and my mother and father want of me. There is one place where I can be rude and insulting without worrying about getting a punch in the nose, and that is the YWN comments section and the Coffee Room. So I have no need to vote for Dopey Donald, because I can speak my mind when I want to. And just for the record, your prediction of a Trump victory and the reason for it – people like an irresponsible, rude yenta – makes you (with apologies to my mother and father) an idiot.

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